Apocalyptic Movie Favorites

More Top-Ten Movie Picks

I got a lot of good feedback from my Paranormal Movie picks, so I figured I’d add a few more lists. I look forward to hearing your recommendations – we love movies and series here at the rectory (as proof, we have the four-DVD Netflix subscription, a Roku box, and an Apple TV- not to mention all the DVD’s) and am always on the lookout for new things to watch.

My Favorite Apocalyptic Movies
In order to qualify, the “world” (or a significant chunk of civilization) must be destroyed during the movie.

The Day after Tomorrow. Cause: Global Climate Change. You don’t have to buy the science or the politics of “man-made climate change” to enjoy this one. The effects are great, the plot (one group tries to survive while another tries to rescue them – both against great odds) is sound, and the ending is plausible and uplifting.

War of the Worlds. Cause: Aliens. I like this, despite Tom Cruise.

Independence Day. Cause: Aliens. Will Smith is amazing. Plus it has the one of the best “win one for the Gipper” speeches ever.

The Stand. Cause: Virus / Biblical Armageddon. The book was really good. The movie is uneven, but still enjoyable. I like how King mixes mythology, science, and sociology/group dynamics.

28 Days Later. Cause: Zombie Virus. There had to be at least one zombie movie in this list. Shaun of the Dead was really good, too. Zombieland might replace this one, but I haven’t seen it, yet.

Red Dawn. Cause: Socialism. It’s not quite an apocolypse (although the imposition of socialism is a pretty serious blow to civilization!), but it does have the feel of it. FWIW, the series “Jericho” captures this feel even better.

Akira. Cause: I have no idea. I’m still not sure what happened in this movie, but I’m sure it was very deep. I guess I need to watch a few more times.

Strange Days. Cause: Y2K. The only downside of this movie is the brutality (the “drug” hitting the market is pornographic virtual snuff films). The draw of porn and virtual reality are strong on our society- and toxic. This film shows how dark things could get as we move “forward”.

In the Mouth of Madness. Cause: Cthulu’s minions. I just found this one and don’t know how it stayed off my radar for so long. The cause of the end? Collective creativity recreates the world according to a popular horror novel. Random draw: a Byzantine cathedral figures prominently in the movie (it was built on top of a wicked place to contain the evil of The Old Ones). Let me know if you can figure out what is written on the inside of the front doors.

Knowing. Cause: Solar Flare. I still can’t believe how this one ends. This is the weakest of the lot, but I like the paranormal and alien / Men in Black tie-ins.

My Ten Favorite Post-Apocalyptic Movies
In order to qualify for this list, the vast majority of the movie must take place in the disequilibrium (or dystopian equilibrium) after the apocalypse.

The Mad Max Series. Cause: Nuclear War & Economic Collapse. Yup – these set the standard. I guess the first one could be considered “apocalyptic”, but as a group these are definitely about finding a new equilibrium.

The Matrix Series. Cause: Machines. Double Yup. These are good on so many levels that it’s easy to forget they are post-apocalyptic.

Children of Men. Cause: Infertility. Completely plausible. Did you notice the Orthodox sanctuary / bedroom in the ‘fugee camp (just nevermind those pix of Lenin)?

I am Legend. Cause: Zombie Virus. Will Smith is amazing. I’m not much into zombie movies, but this is the best of the lot (well, this and “Shaun of the Dead”). I love the one man / small group vs. long odds scenarios.

The Postman. Cause: Nuclear Fallout. This was a perfect role for Costner – and a great story. Unless you don’t like happy endings.

12 Monkeys. Cause: Plague. One of my favorite movies of all time. Bruce Williams, Brad Pitt, and Madeleine Stowe were amazing.

Reign of Fire. Cause: Dragons. Don’t let the dragons fool you – this should be in your top ten, too. The scenes of evening entertainment are worth the price of admission.

Escape from New York. Cause: Natural Evolution. I couldn’t sneak “Big Trouble in Little China” into this list, but this Kurt Russell flick makes it easily.

Planet of the Apes. Cause: Mankind is Bad. Call me superficial, but I like the remake the best. They say that the older ones are smarter, but how would I know? Not only am I a bit slow, but I fall asleep every time I try to watch one of them! The new one is more fun and still gets the point across.

Eli. Cause: unspecified. Saving civilization by saving the Bible (and a good playlist). The Road came out about the same time and was really good, too.

Serenity. I’m too much a fan of Firefly not to sneak this in. It vaguely post-apocalyptic (interplanetary war – and the peace serum) and even has zombies.

Best Cheesy “B” Apocalyptic / post-Apocalyptic Movies

Battlefield Earth. The Draw? Resilience / David vs. Goliath. Post-Apocalyptic (Aliens). I’ve seen this more often than any other movie ever. Still not interested in Scientology, though.

The Chronicles of Riddick. The Draw? Action, Love, Sacrifice, Wacked Imperialist Theology. Apocalyptic (Bad Theology). The Pacifier is an amazing anti-hero – be sure to see Pitch Black and the animated “Dark Fury”, too. I love this movie.

Southland Tales. The Draw? Campy Brilliance. Apocalyptic (Time/Space Crash). This one doesn’t fire on all cylinders, but, when you combine it with the prequel comic book, the camp and superficiality make much more sense. The political message is way over-handed – but that’s forgivable in my book.

Titan A.E. The Draw? Animated Quest. Mostly Post-Apocalyptic (Aliens). Yes, it’s predictable – but the kids love it (and we like to watch it with them).

Cherry 2000. The Draw? Camp. Post-Apocalyptic (Nuclear, I think). The main theme is that love isn’t always getting what you want.

Circuitry Man. The Draw? The Soundtrack. Even Pani Tina liked this one. It didn’t win any awards, but it’s fun. I think it even had Luke Skywalker in it. Netflix doesn’t have it, and it’s way overpriced on Amazon, but iTunes has it.

Tank Girl. The Draw? Spunk – and a Tank!. Post-Apocalyptic (Comet). A high-energy mix of film genres (like Kill Bill, but without the “cool”). Not great, but fun.

Waterworld. The Draw? The Budget and Novelty. Post-Apocalyptic (Global Warming). Kind of like “Postman” on water. Critics hated it – but since when do you let people tell what’s worth watching?

The Birds. The Draw? Scary Birds. Apocalyptic (Birds!). This just shows how good Hitchcock was – the premise is ridiculous, but he turns it into edge-of-the-seat entertainment.

2012. The Draw? Great Effects. Apocalyptic (End of the Calendar). This one is even less plausible than The Birds”, but makes up for it with great effects and extra camp instead of brilliance.

Next up? Historical fiction and my favorite television series that nobody else liked (or at least that got cancelled waaaaaay early).