20120224 Seeds, News, and Judgement


The Prodigal Son – Eating Pig Pods… and loving it!

Update on the homestead: prepping purchases of note (traded the jeep for a Smart Car, little house in the woods, pantry system from Shelf Reliance,
Abortion safer than giving birth: study – Yahoo! News
For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage – NYTimes.com
Abortion in Russia
Turkey urged to allow greater religious freedom – Yahoo! News
Afghans protest over reported Koran desecration – Yahoo! News
Alain de Botton on Religion for Everyone – WSJ.com
Lent and the Science of Self-Denial | TIME Ideas | TIME.com
Orthodox Cigarettes

A Word from Today’s Sponsor (Satire)

St. Ashram Monastery Icons presents a new line of incense: Samadhi Spice!  Yes, that’s right, the spiritual entrepreneurs who found popular success using ancient Hindu lines and colors to illuminate traditional Orthodox and Catholic iconography have done the same with another staple of traditional worship: incense!  This new line of incense uses resin from the gum of the Bodhi Tree as a medium to mix the exotic scent of the Champa flower and the traditional offerings of frankincense and myrrh with the heightened meditative power of Spice (or of Cannabis, where legal).  Join your prayer as it rises like incense to the highest heavens – Samadhi Spice.  Perfect for every church and prayer corner (not available in every state; purchase at your own risk)!

Prepping with Pawlo
Today Pawlo explores the “e” in KPECT – excellence – using some advice his uncle Веніамін Franko shared with him.

Volya (Freedom) Moment

The Last Judgement


  1. […] Some people get upset about icons that mix Eastern pagan colors and lines with traditional Orthodox iconography.  Mix that in with my (academic) interest in the use of hallucinogenics in some pagan worship, and you get the following commercial from the OrthoAnalytika archives: […]