Upcoming podcast topics

I’m a bit swamped right now, but I have some great interviews in the bag and still more scheduled.

  • Two weeks ago, I interviewed Professor Juliana Golas.  She is a child development expert (and not just because she has four children) at URI.  She had some amazing insights into what parents and communities should and should not do to raise healthy children.  You really won’t want to miss it!  As soon as I have time, that will be the next one posted.
  • A week and a half ago, we hosted Fr. Peter Preble to talk to us here at St. Michael’s about lay and monastic spirituality.  Given all the dross that comes out about both domains, his approach was pretty refreshing.  He let me record his talk. 
  • Tonight I have an interview scheduled with a former Orthodox seminarian who has been a professional paranormal investigator for about 35 years.  He is a good friend with a lot of experience.  We are going to talk about the things that priests should know about the paranormal and helping people with spiritual/paranormal problems.
  • I’ve had a lot of questions come up about Orthodoxy and evolution.  I have two scientists and one theologian ready to come on and talk about it.

So there’s a lot more coming up!  I am also working on getting the full OrthoAnalytika archive back up.  That takes a while because I can only upload so much to my account per month.  

In the meantime, I really do appreciate your support!

God bless,

Fr. Anthony