Day Thirty-nine – Comfort

Psalm 22 (LXX Numbering)/ 23 (Hebrew Numbering)

Psalm 22 (LXX Numbering)/ 23 (Hebrew Numbering)

The most iconic image of the comfort is found in Psalm 22/23:  “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.”  Those words bring to mind all the warm fuzzies of a mother’s hug and all the calm of a father’s protection.  Psalm 22/23 is like the greatest spell; reading, singing, or chanting it provides immediate relief to so many people in every manner of difficult circumstance.  I think that it is so powerful because its words open us up to the reality of God in our lives.  Not the God of Dogma and Judgement or the God Who Cannot Deliver (these are artificial constructs, anyways), but the Source of All Goodness, Power, and Love; the God Who Knows Our Pain and Sacrifices Himself to Bring Us Peace.  

I pray that all of you have known that comfort.  I also pray that God has used you to bring that same comfort to others.  Once you have experienced these two things, you cannot go back to living the same empty and selfish life you lived before.  Everything changes.  God is real.  God moves in this world.  God’s movement in this world is good.  You have become good by joining Him in this movement.  He moves in and through you.  Your have purpose and perfection through Him.  

Surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.  40DAYSBLOG