A Note on Extremism
- Extremism is the only way to become perfect in God
- Extremism? Yeah it can be dangerous
- That’s why we’d better get it right
What does Extreme Christianity look like?
- Orthodoxy! But what does that mean?
- Danger of Orthodox fundamentalism: the primacy of rules, Phariseeism, and judgmentalism
- How do we do Extreme Orthodoxy?
Today’s Theme: The Triumph of Good vs. Bad Theology
- The Seventh Council published rules, but it’s not about the rules
- We think that it is about icons, but it isn’t
- It’s about Christ and the Salvation God offers to those who give their life to Him
Affirmation that God became man
- Not an abstract point
- Religion is a curse when it affirms lies
Christ was kenotic in his love for mankind
- We are the same
Signs of Orthodox Extremism
- Patient peacefulness (vs. violence)
- Prayerful, not argumentative or judgmental
- Humility and Confidence (vs. ego)… talk less, listen more
- Charity towards others, their situations, and their motivations
- Life balanced so everything is to the glory of God
- Simplicity
- Martyrdom; an affirmation of God through actions (not words)
- No pride, no gossip, no lying, no violence
- Love of enemy, not revenge
Give your life to Christ. But give it to the real Christ, not a perversion that will ruin your life and everyone else’s.