From The Ladder of Divine Ascent, St. John of the Ladder.
Step 28: On holy and blessed prayer, mother of virtues, and on the attitude of mind and body in prayer.
What is Prayer? The Union of Man with God
1. Prayer by reason of its nature is the converse and union of man with God, and by reason of its action upholds the world and brings about reconciliation with God; it is the mother and also the daughter of tears, the propitiation for sins, a bridge over temptations, a wall against afflictions, a crushing of conflicts, work of angels, food of all the spiritual beings, future gladness, boundless activity, the spring of virtues, the source of graces, invisible progress, food of the soul, the enlightening of the mind, an axe for despair, a demonstration of hope, the annulling of sorrow, the wealth of monks, the treasure of solitaries, the reduction of anger, the mirror of progress, the realization of success, a proof of one’s condition, a revelation of the future, a sign of glory. For him who truly
What is Prayer Like? Going into the Divine Council of the King
3. If we wish to stand before our King and God and converse with Him we must not rush into this without preparation, lest, seeing us from afar without weapons and suitable clothing for those who stand before the King, He should order His servants and slaves to seize us and banish us from His presence and tear up our petitions and throw them in our face.
4. When you are going to stand before the Lord, let the garment of your soul be woven throughout with the thread that has become oblivious of wrongs. Otherwise, prayer will bring you no benefit.
What does Prayer Require? Simplicity, Honesty, and a Sacrifice of Time and Pride
5. Let your prayer be completely simple. For both the publican and the prodigal son were reconciled to God by a single phrase.
Who is the Best Teacher of Prayer? OJT – God will Teach You!
64. Have all courage, and you will have God for your teacher in prayer. Just as it is impossible to learn to see by word of mouth because seeing depends on one’s own natural sight, so it is impossible to realize the beauty of prayer from the teaching of others. Prayer has a Teacher all its own—God—who teaches man knowledge, and grants the prayer of him who prays, and blesses the years of the just. Amen.