Homily – Dark Eyes, Demons, and Storms

Luke 8:26-39.  In this homily on Christ’s exorcism of the demon (Legion) of Gardenes, Fr. Anthony notes that a dark eye exagerates the danger of storms, graveyards, and demons and encourages us to trust in the God who 1) loves us and 2) has command over all of creation. Check out this episode!

Bible Study – Genesis 6

Today Fr. Anthony takes us through the two primary Orthodox interpretations of Genesis 6: 1-4 (Sethite and supernatural) and the nephalim/giants, sharing a variety of patristic sources.  He ends with the commentary offered in 1 Enoch.  Here are the verses under consideration (King James Version):  And it came to pass, when men began to multiply […]

Homily – There Just Aren’t Enough Real Enemies to Meet Our Demand!

2 Corinthians 9:6-11; St. Luke 7:11-16.  After sharing a brief meditation on the epistle reading (we are temples, made for divinity), Fr. Anthony talks about the requirement that we love our enemies, noting that it is made harder when our fallen imaginations constantly create them almost ex-nihilo and when our tribal propagandists  are feeding us […]

Class – Prayer Rules and Silence

In this edition of our Intro to Orthodoxy series, Fr. Anthony talks about the benefits of a prayer rule and of spending some time regularly in silent (but NOT monastic!) prayer.  Enjoy the show!  Check out this episode!

Bible Study – Genesis Four and Five

Today we talk about murder, the geneologies of death and sin, the technologies (that seem to have been) given to man by fallen gods and God Himself, and Cain’s line as evidence of our need for the Law and the Prophets – and better yet Christ Himself!  The recording is a bit odd – it […]

Homily – Don’t Try to Bind God with Spells

Luke 5: 1-11.  In this homily on the catching of fish (and men), Fr. Anthony riffs on the homily St. Nikolai Velimirovic gave, looking at it through the lens of Psalm 126:1a; “Except the Lord build the house, they that build labour in vain.”  After taking us through a tour of the conversion of Egypt […]

Bible Study – Genesis Two and Three

This evening we continue working our way through the creation as described in Genesis 2 & 3.  This includes talking about the fall and how our ability to image the Logos in creation was affected and how that is changed through our union with the new Adam/humanity – Jesus Christ (the Incarnate Logos).  Enjoy the […]

Class – Questions, Answers, Pride, and Hesychasm

Fr. David Randolph of blessed memory, talked about how much he and everyone enjoyed Q&A classes about his homily on Sunday afternoons.  Fr. Anthony decided to give it a shot.  It went pretty well, glory to God.  Then he segued into a summary of the lessons on pride, how Orthodoxy heals us from it, and […]

Homily – Don’t Crucify Others!

St. Mark 8:34-38; 9:1.  Before getting to the point about denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following Christ, Fr. Anthony deals with the preliminary issue of not crucifying others.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Bible Study – Genesis One I

After summarizing the Orthodox approach to scripture, Fr. Anthony begins a verse by verse examination of Genesis One.  We made it up to “Image and Likeness!” Review. We have to read texts according to their purpose and scope. The purpose of the Bible is to describe the economy of our salvation (i.e. mankind’s sin, Christ/Messiah […]