Class – On Orthodox Architecture

In today’s class, Father Anthony introduces us to the basics of Orthodox Architecture, using Christ the Savior (Anderson SC) as an example.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – Fall, Forgiveness, and Kingdom

St. Matthew 6: 14-21.  The Sunday of the Expulsion from Paradise, Forgiveness, and Cheesefare.  Today Fr. Anthony talks about the need for forgiveness in our fallen world, how we often get it wrong, and what happens when we get it right.  Not a bad day, glory to God.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Way of Ascetics – Chapter Seventeen

Today Fr. Anthony continues leading us through Tito Coliander’s “Way of Ascetics” (St. Vladimir Seminary Press), covering chapter seventeen, “On Prayer.”  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Class – On the Sacraments

Christ the Savior parish in Anderson SC is blessed with an increasing number of inquirers and catechumens.  This class on sacramental theology and the sacraments is the introductory class to the series, Introduction to Orthodoxy.  Enjoy the show!  Check out this episode!

Homily – More Here Than Judgment

1 Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2 (On Fasting) ; Matthew 25:31-46 (On the Judgment).  After describing the pastoral implications of the epistle lesson on fasting, Fr. Anthony describes what the parable of the last judgment tells us about Christ.  Enjoy the show!     Check out this episode!

Homily – Be Like the Father!

In this homily on the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Fr. Anthony warns about the danger of moving to a foreign spiritual land and encourages us to me like the Father in our instinct for love.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – Canaan, BBQ, and Repentance

St. Matthew 15:21-28.  In this homily on the healing of the Canaanite’s daughter, Fr. Anthony talks about BBQ, the faith of the Canaanite woman, and the necessary repentance of the Israelites.  Along the way, he warns against saying that Jesus was prejudiced against the Canaanites due to his cultural context.  Enjoy the show! Check out […]

Homily – Zacchaeus, Repentence, and a Joke

In this homily given on the (kind of) Sunday of Zacchaeus, Fr. Anthony points out inconsistencies across Orthodox lectionaries, using it as an opportunity to make a plea for humility and the kind of repentance Zacchaeus had. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – In Awe of the Glass and Water

In this unevenly executed but well-intentioned meditation on Luke 17:12-19 (the ten lepers), Fr. Anthony talks about moving from transactional gratitude, beyond optimism, into an awful thanksgiving.  Enjoy the show!   Check out this episode!

Nativity Homily of St. John Chrysostom

The second-best homily you will hear all year (the first being his Paschal homily)! Check out this episode!