In this episode, Fr. Anthony talks with the COVID-stricken Fr. Harry Linsinbigler about parish life and the implications of recent survey results from Gallup (on further declines in American church membership) and Pew (on American religion and the COVID). Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily – Adopting a professional athlete’s fitness routine won’t help you thrive
Hebrews 6:13-20; Mark 9:17-31. Fr. Anthony explains how the parish is different from the monastery, how parish priests are different from abbots, and how God works to bring all Christians together with Him in glory. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Dn Timothy on Staten Island, Nostalgia, and Bad Religion
You may recognize Dn Timothy Kelleher from his appearances in NCIS, Independence Day, Thirteen Days and other movies and shows, but he has also published many thoughtful essays in First Things, Church Life Journal, and now the National Review (among others). In this episode, he and Fr. Anthony talk about Dn. Timothy’s two most recent […]
Homily (DL8) – Time Out, the Cross, and Reconciliation
Hebrews 4:14-5:6; Mark 8:34-9:1. Sunday of the Adoration of the Cross. In this homily, Fr. Anthony begins with the analogy of the “time-out” and how the Cross can allow us to come out of the COVID-time in a way that will bring reconciliation. He concludes by talking about why the Divine Liturgy is pretty much […]
Dn Nicholas Kotar on the Rhythms of Lent and Life
In this interview, Fr. Anthony and Dn Nicholas talk about the rhythms of Lent and how a gentle asceticism may cultivate more lasting changes than the most stringent fasting and a packed liturgical calendar. Along the way, Dn Nicholas shares wisdom on how this same approach builds a lasting and self-propagating harmony (even among tenors […]
Homily on Forgiveness, Healing, Nepsis, and Silence
In this homily, given on the Lenten Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas (Hebrews 1:10-2:3; Mark 2:1-12), Fr. Anthony preaches on the sequence of forgiveness and healing in the Gospel reading and in our lives, the need for nepsis and care when receiving criticism, and the role silence can play in our spiritual development. Enjoy the […]
Divine Liturgy – St Gregory Palamas (excerpts)
Divine Liturgy of St. Basil (excerpts) as celebrated on 3/28/2021 in Waynesville NC. Check out this episode!
Homily (DL7) – Developing Pastoral Relations and the Great Entrance
Hebrews 11:24-26,11:32-12:2; John 1:43-51. First Sunday of Great Lent. Today Fr. Anthony begins by talking about the need for developing pastoral relations with others so that we can have better discernment about our sins. He finishes by talking about the Great Entrance and its relationship to Palm Sunday and Holy Week. Enjoy the show! Check […]
Homily – Forgiveness and the Power of Storytelling
In this homily given on the Sunday of Forgiveness (Cheesefare; Romans 13:11-14:4; Matthew 6:14-21), Fr. Anthony talks about the psychological and sacramental power of storytelling, and warns us against misusing that power. Blessed Lenting! Check out this episode!
Fr Gabriel on the Confluence of Beauties in Liturgy
Fr Anthony and Fr. Gabriel Rochelle overcome myriad technical problems to talk about the confluence of poetry, story, and proclamation that take place in the Divine Liturgy (and life). Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!