One of the challenges of our present spiritual situation is that our society has settled for something less than truth. This affects the quality of our opinions, policies, and judgments and undermines our ability to live and spread the Gospel. An indicator of the seriousness of this is our growing inability to listen to, learn […]
Pluralism, Polarization, and Discernment; the Challenge and Promise of Diversity
Professor George Stavros (BU) on Clergy Self Care
Join Fr. Anthony Perkins in Hartwell, GA as he talks with Professor George Stavros (Boston University) about the internal and external factors that put clergy at risk and how that risk can be mitigated by fellowship, support, and the life in Christ. See Professor Savros’ article on the subject here: Check out this episode!
Homily – Prepare to Meet God in His Glory
The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians. (3:4-11) Brethren, when Christ, Who is our life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. St. Augustine: But what did he go on to say? “When Christ appears, your life, then you also will appear with him in glory.” So now […]
Homily (and some music): Believe, Be at Peace, and Get it Done!
In the homily on St. Luke 12:16-21 (the rich man investing poorly), Fr. Anthony reminds us of the universal goal for humanity and all humans, why it needs to get done, and why we shouldn’t be anxious about it (despite it’s cosmic importance). I’d share his notes, but they have nothing to do with what […]
Political Science, Dungeons and Dragons, and Orthodoxy
Audio recording of Fr. Anthony’s livestream of 05 December 2020. He talks for a bit about how political scientists see the world (to include election fraud), but mostly he talks about the joy of playing games – and especially playing dungeons and dragons. He ends up giving three reasons: it’s fun, it’s good for you […]
Homily: Let Go of Everything and Be with God
Ephesians: 4:1-7; St. Luke: 18:18-27. In this (much shorter!) homily, Fr. Anthony encourages us to let go of everything, be with God, and then allow the resulting peace pattern everything else. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily: On False vs. Real Unity and How to Work Towards the Latter
In this homily on Ephesians 2: 14-22, Fr. Anthony talks about the difference between blessed unity (in Christ) and cursed unity (through tyranny or universalism) and the role humility plays in the Mystery of becoming One as God is One. The first seventeen minutes are snapshot of the beauty of the worship at Holy Resurrection […]
Homily – Politics and How to Get out of the Ditch
In this homily on the Good Samaritan, Fr. Anthony lets slip which political tribe he is in and how his dedication to it helped put him in the ditch (along with everyone else). The main point, though is that we ARE in the ditch and need Christ to get us out. Enjoy the show! Check […]
What I didn’t learn in Seminary w/ Fr. John Charest
Join Fr. Anthony next to his back porch in Hartwell Ga as he talks with Fr. John Charest about some of the things they had to learn on the job. If you listen closely, you’ll also learn something about how to tell a priest from a deacon (or from a subdeacon impersonating one or the […]
Homily: The Gospel and the Crisis of Institutional Legitimacy
In this homily on Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31), Fr. Anthony continues on the theme of authenticity, noting how the Gospel IS the response to chaos and the lack of reliable institutions. [Yes, he preached on the same Gospel last week; then he was on the revised lectionary at Christ the Savior Antiochian […]