Orthodoxy and the (Intersectional) Religion of the Future

This is a recording of Fr. Anthony Perkins’ YouTube Livestream from 7/13/2020.  In it, he talks about how stupidity is overdetermined (and not just demonic or agenda-driven), a couple of the things that make intersectionality such a perverse and counter-productive religion, and how Orthodox Christians are both culpable for it and responsible for replacing it […]

Homily – The Answer to Fear, Demons, and the Chaos of the Moment

Homily: The Demoniac at Gardenes Introduction – the context of the story Our Lord had just come across the water with his disciples.  They had faced one kind of fear when they were on the water: a fear of the chaos of a storm.  A great wind had come up while Jesus slept, and the […]

The Solstice, Politics, and Nothing Really

This is a recording of Fr. Anthony Perkins’ YouTube Livestream from 7/6/2020.  After talking about the (Liturgical) Summer Solstice, he talks about identity politics and the greatest patriotic sf movie ever.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

The Mind, Discernment, and Aliens

This is a recording of Fr. Anthony Perkins’ Livestream from his back porch in Hartwell, Georgia on 30 June 2020.  He talks about how the modern troubles play on the lowest part of our minds and why “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future” is incomplete and misleading. Check out this episode!

Homily – We are doing it wrong!

Homily for the third Sunday after Pentecost (Romans 5:1-10; Matthew 6:22-33).  Do we have anxiety or peace?  Are our tribulations bringing us anger and despondency or hope?  In this homily, Fr. Anthony makes the case that we are suffering from the chaos around us because we skipped a step: we went straight to virtue without […]

We CANNOT Trust Our Feelings (even when we call them our conscience)

This talk was recorded and streamed at 10AM EST on 22 June 2020 on Fr. Anthony Perkins’ Youtube Channel.  In it, Fr. Anthony talks about what St. Paul’s letter to the Romans teaches us about the utility of feelings and science for discerning and healing the world’s pain.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – Neither the Law nor our Conscience make us Good

Fr. Anthony preaches on the epistle reading (Romans 2:10-16), explaining St. Paul’s take on the utility of The Law (for the Jews) vs. the Conscience (for the Gentiles) and what it means for us now.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – St. John Chrysostom on how the media manipulates and divides us

Homily for All Saints 2020 Continuing on the Theme of Division [St. John Chrysostom did it better here] Call to unity.  But we experience division.  The devil loves to divide us [and to solve that division with hedonism and tyranny]. [Review the three parts of the mind] Rather than taking the unity of God into […]

Homily for Pentecost 2020 – Peace against and in Chaos

At Pentecost we celebrate the Holy Trinity and the restoration of unity from the division of Babel.  How are we to understand the present division within that frame?  Fr. Anthony provides some context and gives three pieces of advice for these difficult times:  1) cultivate peace in the heart and in relations 2) be charitable […]

Homily – Our Division Goes Against God’s Will

This homily was given on the Sunday after the Ascension (St. John 17:1-13; Acts 20:16-18, 28-36) and after a week of our shared outrage over police brutality and a growing concern about the rioting that has occurred in response to that brutality.  God wants us to be one; how are we doing with that?! Check […]