Homily – the Stumbling Block of Politicized Priests

In this homily given on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, Fr. Anthony makes the point that it is much more difficult to bring people into the Church than it is to drive them out and keep them away.  One easy way we, members of the Royal Priesthood, can keep people out of our pews is by […]

The Three Levels of Forgiveness

Homily on St. Matthew 6:14-21, in which Fr. Anthony distinguishes between forgiveness that leads to reconciliation, that which allows relations to continue in hopes of reconciliation, and that which leads to an unfortunate but necessary separation. Check out this episode!

Homily on Judgment – or something

As I told the people at the end of the liturgy, this homily was about two hours of editing away from being worthwhile!  It’s great being in a PhD program, etc., but it leaves much time than I’m used to (and need) to prepare.  It’s usually okay, but this day I tried out a couple […]

Dn Michael Abrahamson on Music and his Life in Christ

Dn. Michael Abrahamson talks about the role music (and kindness) has played in his deepening his love of God.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – Finding Our Story in the Prodigal Son

In this homily on the parable of the Prodigal Son (St. Luke 15:11-32), Fr. Anthony challenges us to move beyond seeing ourselves just as the Prodigal into imitating the Father (while avoiding becoming the Older Son!).  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Anaphora – Holy Holy Holy

Arranged by Dn. Michael Abrahamson, sung as part of the Divine Liturgy at Holy Resurrection Mission (UOC-USA) in Waynesville, NC on 2/16/2020. Check out this episode!


Arranged by Dn. Michael Abrahamson.  Sung as part of the Divine Liturgy at Holy Resurrection Mission (UOC-USA) in Waynesville, NC on 2/16/2020. Check out this episode!

Homily – Sanctify the Moment with the Publican

Homily – Publican and Pharisee Fr. Anthony Perkins All of creation is pregnant with potential – less full of lifeless atoms or particles than of seeds just waiting to be brought forth into fruition.  And here I speak not just of literal seeds (although it is almost time to start working with those and getting […]

Zacchaeus and the Steps of Salvation

In this homily, Fr. Anthony draws on the example Zacchaeus to describe the need for repentance and commitment in the life of the Christian.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Class – The Way of Ascetics 2

Tito Coliander’s Way of Ascetics.  It’s awesome.  We’re working our way through it together.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!