Homily on Gratitude/Ingratitude and Harmony/Tyranny

Homily on St. Matthew 18:23-35: The forgiving Lord and the unforgiving servant.  The main theme of today’s homily is that we have the power to transform the world for the better (through gratitude and mercy) or the worse (through ingratitude and tyranny).  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Post-Communion Prayers (UOC-USA)

The Post-Communion Prayers of the Holy Orthodox Church from the Prayer Book of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Check out this episode!

Communion Prayers (UOC-USA)

The Communion Prayers of the Holy Orthodox Church from the Prayer Book of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Check out this episode!

Evening Prayers (UOC-USA)

The Orthodox Evening Prayers of the Holy Orthodox Church from the Prayer Book of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Check out this episode!

Morning Prayers (UOC-USA)

The Orthodox Morning Prayers from the Prayer Book of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Check out this episode!

Service of Repentance

The Service of Repentance is designed to help believers enter into the spirit of contrition as they prepare for the traditional Rite of Confession.  This version consists of the Trisagion prayers, Psalm 50, the Prayer of Manasseh, The Canon of Repentance (abridged), and the the Litany of Repentance.  The Canon of Repentance intentionally resembles sections […]

Homily on Christians Taming Chaos (+3!)

Today’s Gospel (Matthew 14:22-34) includes the powerful image of Christ taming the storm and saving Peter from drowning.  Not only has He used this power to bring peace to our lives; He has given us the power – and responsibility – to do it for others.  The calm of Christ in us and us in […]

Homily on Trust, Scarcity, and the Five Loaves

We have trust backwards, claiming to trust God in the big things (i.e. of the soul) while demonstrating little if any trust God in the little things (i.e. of the body).  In His homily on Matthew 14: 14-22, St. John Chrysostom makes the point that the disciples were only ready to believe that Christ was […]

The God of Patience

Homily on Romans 15:1-7, focusing on the role of patience in the Christian life. Check out this episode!

Homily – Romans 10:1-10

A meditation on Romans 10:9-10:  If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!