In this homily on The Parable of the Talents, Fr. Anthony discourages us from interpreting scripture in a way that would turn God into a monster. He then argues that the point of the parable is to convince us of the need to do good in this world. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! […]
Book Discussion: Lynette Hull on Iconography This month (September 2017), the St. Sophia Seminary Library Book Discussion Group invited iconographer Lynette Hull to speak about “The Art of Seeing; Paradox and Perception in Orthodox Iconography” by Fr. Maximos Constas. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! *** Here is Lynette Hull’s review of the “The Art of Seeing” at the Orthodox […]
20170917 – Homily on our Prime Directive
Why did Jesus pick “Love your God…” as the greatest commandment? Fr. Anthony gives us three reasons: historical precedence, human flourishing, and that it prepares us to love one another (and ourselves). Enjoy the show! ============== Homily Notes: The Pharisee asked; “Which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” (Matthew 22:35-36) Jesus answered; “You […]
20170827 – Tear Down That Wall
In this episode, Fr. Anthony describes (and acts out, although you’ll just have to imagine that) the Gospel in terms of the breaking down of the wall we have built up between us, Him, and our inheritance. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
20170820 – Orthodox Statement on Charlottesville
Today Fr. Anthony read the Bishops’ statement denouncing the events in Charlottesville specifically and racism more generally. A head’s up: at the end he meant to say “differences”, not “divisions”. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! Here is the statement: The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America Response to […]
20170806 Camp Talk on Heroism
The theme of this year’s “Mommy & Me; Daddy & Me” encampment at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp was “Champions of the Faith.” In this talk, Fr. Anthony shares his thoughts on heroism, dragon slaying, and how we can use the power of Christ to tame chaos and bring order to our lives and relationships […]
20170806 Homily on Building
St. Paul compares living well to building a house. In this (short Summer) homily, Fr. Anthony explains what St. Paul meant and why it is such Good News. Check out this episode! Homily Notes Homily on Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 1 Corinthian 3:9-17 We will be tested… (but all can pass) We are like a […]
20170730-Fishing in the Kingdom
In today’s Gospel (St. Matthew 14:14-22), we hear how Christ fed the multitudes by multiplying two fishes and five loaves. In this homily, Fr. Anthony offers three Christian (and political economic) strategies for feeding the world. Check out this episode! Here are the notes from today’s homily. Introduction. People are hungry they need to be […]
Homily (mp3 and notes): Bearing the Burdens of the Weak
In this episode, Fr. Anthony challenges Christians to call down grace from above by “bearing the burdens” of the weak. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! Here are St. John Chrysostom’s words on this Sunday’s epistles’s reading (I preached from his notes). Romans 15:1-17 From St. John Chrysostom Chap. xv. ver. 1. “We then that are strong, […]
Book Talk on The Prayer Book (Notes and MP3)
It figures that a priest would pick “The Prayer Book” as his favorite book, right? Listen as Fr. Anthony makes a case for breathing life into the prayers in the prayer book on a regular basis. One of the many benefits is that it will make the Orthodox worldview (the myth that is true!) real […]