Day Eighteen – Feet

Psalm 120 I lift up mine eyes unto the hills,  whence comes my help.My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.He will not suffer thy foot to stumble: He that guards you will not slumber.Behold, He that protects Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.The Lord is your protector: the Lord is your […]

Day Fourteen: Giving Thanks to Our God as a Nation

Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Archpastoral Message for 2013 Thanksgiving Day:We Offer Praise and Thanksgiving Once again, our nation pauses to celebrate Thanksgiving. Our tables will be spilling over with food and our homes will resonate with laughter and conversation as we gather to celebrate this special day. Thanksgiving […]

Day Thirteen – The Eucharist as Thanksgiving

What are you thankful for?   In amongst the football, turkey, and shopping, Americans do try spend at least part of their Thanksgiving being grateful. I have a lot to be thankful for; wonderful marriage, loving wife, respectful children, beautiful family, good parish, plus the whole triangle from security on up on Maslow’s hierarchy. But […]

Day Nine – The Sabbath

We were made to work One of the great virtues of this nation is its commitment to work hard and to work well.  This virtue does not allow us to see work in purely economic terms; it isn’t just about paying the bills, providing for the family, or having enough to give freely to those […]

20131123 Vocations are for everyone!

What is God calling you to do?  This show opens with a talk on vocations geared for everyone – vocations are not just for men in black!  I follow this with a short story by Rdr. Nicholas Perkins, and finish by asnwering some mail on paleo, fasting, and the Bread of Life.  Enjoy the show! […]

Guest writer: short story “Bildungsroman”

One of my favorite people in the world wrote this.  He is not just a gifted writer, spiritual warrior/mystic, and beautiful chanter… he’s my son.  I think you will enjoy the story.  I am encouraging to publish his work more widely (let me know if you agree). ================= Bildungsroman By Nick Perkins The time had […]

Announcement: Vocations Retreat (11/16)

The Deanery of New England invites you to A VOCATIONS RETREAT!!!   Who:     All men and women interested in deepening their service to Christ and His Church!      What:    Practical instruction on vocations, chanting, diaconal liturgics, and worship   Where:  St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI   When:   From 2-9 PM on […]

Homily: The Sower – Surviving the Coming Storm

Homily on the Sower: Surviving the coming stormSt. Luke 8:5-15 There is a storm coming and I am not sure we are ready. God sowed His seed here in the Blackstone Valley.  It grows within the heart of everyone here.  Like a garden in the spring, there are beautiful shoots waking up to the possibilities […]

20100103 Nativity, Politics and Religion, and Death

In this long lost archival “Sunday before the Nativity” edition, Fr. Anthony reads the Nativity Epistle from the Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops outside Ukraine; shares some interesting news stories; interviews Fr. Peter Preble (AFR: “Shepherd of Souls”); and finishes up talking about death and dying. Enjoy! Check out this episode

20091227 God’s Invitation and an Interview on Chastity

In this long lost archival episode, Fr. Anthony talks about the need to take up God on His invitation to His house; then interviews Demetra Perlegas, PhD, about chastity in relationships. Check out this episode