Moral Psychology, Orthodoxy, and Ritual (video)

Here is a link to the YouTube Video of the talk. YouTube Blurb:  Sometimes it seems like religious conservatives and liberals are speaking a different language when it comes to morality. Framing plays an issue as both groups try to establish which moral category best fits the given issue, but this doesn’t really explain the […]

Moral Psychology, Orthodoxy, and Ritual (handout)

Notes for a talk on Orthodoxy, Ritual and Moral Psychology (YouTube video here) Warning: I use the words “conservative” and “liberal” throughout this talk. I am not talking about Republicans and Democrats. If you think I am talking about politics your will miss the point of the talk. I am talking about psychology, morality, and […]

Homily: How to be a Man

Homily: advice to my oldest son, graduating from high school Introduction Be a hero – the right man in the right place at the right time, prepared to get things done. But how do you do that? It doesn’t just happen on it’s own. Too many men are too lazy or vice-ridden to step up […]

Homily – The Blind Man, Mythology, and Tradition

The Man Born Blind – on mythology and truth (St. John 9:1-38) I love mythology. I love the stories, the heros, their virtues, their flaws, and the different messes they try to work themselves out of. From the strength of Hercules and the passion of Achilles; to the asceticism of Qui-Gon Ginn, the optimism of […]

Homily – The Enlightened Moral Psychology of the Samaritan Woman

Homily Notes: Samaritan Woman St. John 4:5-42 “He told me all I ever did.” (St. John 4:29) This is not new for God. His omniscience has long been recognized. The prophet David proclaimed it in song in Psalm 138, which includes these words (7-12); Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I […]

Homily – Our Broken Moral Psychology (and how to heal it… and the world)

Memorial Day, The Raising of the Paralytic, the raising of Dorkas, What effect do you have on others? Is it like St. Peter’s? Do you walk in the midst of broken people bringing them healing? Do others, recognizing the potency of your peace, go out of their way just to be in your shadow? Have […]

20130420 Boston Bombing

In this car recording (sorry about the quality) I share some thoughts on the Boston bombing and, most importantly, how to deal with the resulting damage: a secure home, a peaceful mind, and a healed soul. Check out this episode

20130325 Paleo, the Paranormal, and Prepping

Today’s show addresses the questions of Lenten Paleo fasting, whether NDE’s are proof of the soul etc., and what everyone should do to be prepared for the most likely emergencies.  I also talk about fun and transformative lenten disciplines like fasting, meditation, and walking.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode Some links for this […]

The Sunday of Orthodoxy: Embrace the Fullness of the Faith

If you are offended when priests and preachers talk about politics and rail against the government, then close your ears: I’m going to talk about the government and its policies, and I am going to evaluate them based on the unchanging Truth of Christ, the standard of perfection that is preserved and shared within holy […]

20130315 The Fire

Taking a page from Jack Spirko’s playbook (The Survival Podcast), I recorded this episode in the car.  The Men in Black stole the last 45 minutes of it, but it still includes about an hour on the fire that all but destroyed our temple on the feast of St. Michael, 2012. Enjoy! Check out this […]