20110729 Monasteries, Survival, & Gardening

Shownotes.  Click to Listen.  A bit late getting this podcast published.  I blame the computer malfunctions that led to a loss of Friday’s work! Happy (belated) St. Vladimir/Volodymyr Day.  This is a wonderful reminder that things can change, that benighted nations can find enlightenment, and that Christ really does work in a fallen world.  Local […]

Homily – Unity in Liturgy

Third Sunday after PentecostRomans 5:1-10; St. Matthew 6:22-33 This Summer, during the time of shortened homilies, I am dedicating this brief time to the topic of the Eucharistic Liturgy as the “common work of a thankful people” and how it is designed to bring us into a deeper salvific and sanctifying relationship with Jesus Christ.. […]

20110429 Pawlo’s Greatest Hits

Click Here to Listen/Download All Pawlo, All the Time In this episode, I prolong my break from discussing things like nephilim, singularities, and the immortality of the soul in order to do what sitcoms do during writer’s strike:  a best-of/flashback show.  The size of our audience has really grown over the last year, so many […]

20110420 Sounds of Lent and Holy Week

Shownotes for 20110420. Click here to listen to the podcast! This show departs from the usual format.  It presents some of the sounds of Lent and Holy Week as they were voiced at St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket this year.  Homilies from the Sundays of Saint John of the Ladder, Saint Mary of […]

An Epistle from our Bishops (Cheesefare Sunday)

Click here for a podcast that includes this homily!!! Romans 13:11-14:4 St. Matthew 6: 14-21 LENTEN EPISTLE OF THE PERMANENT CONFERENCE OF UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX BISHOPS BEYOND THE BORDERS OF UKRAINE Beloved in the Lord, Reverend Clergy and Monastics, dear Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine and beyond her borders! By God’s will, we draw near, once […]

20110304 Lent, News, and Evangelizing Moral Therapeutic Deists

The USB Symbol: a Sign of  Ukrainian Orthodoxy’s Global Influence!!! Shownotes for 20110221Lesson: Lenten Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine [Musical Interlude is the Lenten Prokimen “Turn not away Thy Face”, available here by St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in San Anselmo, CA.] Mail Call:Question from a new reader/listener:  Why doesn’t […]

20101217 Hypocrisy, News, and WikiLeaks

20101217 OrthoAnalytika Shownotes (click here for MP3) +++ Lesson: The Hypocrisy of Defending Bad Habits and Rules (St. Luke 13: 10-17)This Gospel lesson is profound. Today I would like to focus on three things that it teaches us. One: You Really Should Come to Church The first has to do with the context of the […]

Zombies, Demons, and the Victory of Love

  Shownotes for Thanksgiving, 2010   Lesson:   Ephesians 4: 1-6 St. Luke 8: 26-39   There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in […]

An Orthodox Christian Statement on Poverty

Orthodoxy and Poverty We are all called to work, and we are all called to prayer and almsgiving for the poor (just as we are all called to exhibit every virtue, regardless of “status”). “There are two moral motives of labour: work to sustain oneself without being a burden for others and work to give […]

Orthodoxy – The Stream between the Extremes

[This talk was given as part of Diversity Week at the University of Rhode Island. Chaplains of different faiths gave talks on this same theme.] IntroductionThe main point of my remarks today is this: people make a huge and tragic mistake when they see faith – in this case, Orthodox Christianity – as a “religion” […]