20100117 Theophany and an Interview on Youth

From the archives: In this edition, Fr. Anthony shares some thoughts about the mystical and practical implications of Theophany and interviews the Director of Youth Ministry for the UOC-USA, Natalie Kapeluk-Nixon on raising (and protecting) young saints. Enjoy! Check out this episode

Apocalyptic Movie Favorites

More Top-Ten Movie Picks I got a lot of good feedback from my Paranormal Movie picks, so I figured I’d add a few more lists. I look forward to hearing your recommendations – we love movies and series here at the rectory (as proof, we have the four-DVD Netflix subscription, a Roku box, and an […]

20100110 Orthodoxy and the Paranormal

From the archives:  In this edition, Fr. Anthony uses black socks to help share the wonder of the Nativity, talks about the news, and talks about how Orthodoxy understands the paranormal. He looks forward to your feedback (father.anthony@yahoo.com). Check out this episode

A Quick Post

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! I am slowly getting back into a regular groove. Much of this involves cleaning up/filing all the piles of books, papers, service materials, etc. that have been growing around my office chair and in the parish vestry. It also involves gradually adding back all the (worthwhile) things that […]

More Thoughts on American Orthodox Church Unity

I have gone back and edited the most recent podcast (20090405_Mary.mp3) to take out the commentary on His Beatitude Mp Jonah’s talk. Unfortunately, I should have edited it beforehand. I was trying to make the point that many Ukrainians would be tempted to schism by the possibility of unification with the OCA, but I fear […]

Some thoughts on death, community, love, and funerals

As persons made according to God’s love, we were made to live in community. So it is natural for us to provide mutual support to one another through hard times. When one of us is sick, we visit them. When one of us is grieving, we console them. We reach out and, whether the medium […]

Top Ten Books for Understanding Political, Cultural, & Religious Dynamics

Intelligence analysts should read quite broadly (not just outside their own message feeds, but also well beyond the boundaries of political science, sociology, security studies, & anthropology). Still, they also need to have a solid grounding in how things work. This list is my first attempt to suggest books that will help set the foundation […]

Consistency and the Psychology of Fallenness

The Principle of Consistency: People desire to be and look consistent in their words, beliefs, attitudes, and deeds. Active, effortful, and uncoerced are the most effective at determining future compliance. Commitment decisions (even poor ones) often endure because we instinctively add new reasons to justify/rationalize our decisions. (paraphrased from pg. 95, Influence: Science and Practice […]

Saint Petro Mohyla – a defense of his confession

St. Petro Mohila gets attacked by folks who think he used too many Roman Catholic ideas. Some defend him against this because his blend of theology is uniquely Ukrainian. I defend him because he is an icon of general Christian evangelism. =========== Few people outside of Ukraine know much about St. Petro Mohyla. Most who […]

Social Proof and the Psychology of Fallenness

God wired us for community so that we could grow in love for one another and for Him. But what happens when are surrounded by selfishness? ============= The Principle of Social proof: “The principle of social proof states that one important means that people use to decide what to believe or how to act in […]