Fr. Anthony talks with evangelical author, blogger, and podcaster, John Michalak about grace, liturgy, and the need to “surrender subjectivity.” John started attending services at Holy Resurrection in Waynesville NC a few months ago and shares some observations. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Confession as a Relationship
Fr. Anthony talks with Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD, about how NOT to elicit repentance during confession, some of the differences between confession, interrogation, and therapy, and why love and trust are foundational to the process of reconciliation. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
My Fool Head – On Forgiveness, Righteous Anger, and Other Things
This “New Year” stream of consciousness celebrates Georgia’s victory over Michigan and then talks about how our prior conceptions interfere with objectivity, the relative value of mercy and forgiveness over judgment, and the need to stay away from righteous anger. My thanks to Max, Dn. Adrian, and Rdr. Seraphim for their questions and comments during […]
My Fool Head – Drama is NOT Required
Check out this episode! Why is there so much drama? Is drama a sign of conviction or something else? Today Fr. Anthony talks about the need to cultivate trust and trustworthiness in our relationships. Along the way, he talks (with input from Chaplain Deacon Adrian M. and Cantor George M.) about the biggest challenges to […]
My Fool Head – Getting Theology Right
After talking about his experience with a dead battery, Fr. Anthony ties the theology of the Logos and beauty into his ongoing conversation on worldviews, framing, and connecting dots in a way that is eternally true and not just accurate. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
My Fool Head – Worship, Worldview, and Truth
After introducing myself, I talk about the importance of worship and home in fostering a Christian phronema and how the forces of the world convince us to accept and rally around lies. Enjoy the show! From my YouTube livestream. Check out this episode!
Orthodoxy and Sex I
Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD and Fr. Anthony Perkins talk about Orthodox sexuality, chastity, celibacy, and abstinence. Along the way they also discuss the negative effects the culture wars have had on Orthodoxy and pastoral care. They hope to make this part of a series. Warning: it’s hard to talk about this euphemistically. Some graphic terms […]
Talking with Fr Harry about Politics as the New Idolatry
Join Fr. Anthony and Fr. Harry as they talk about how artificially romanticizing the Golden Age of the Councils contributes to the polarization of our communities, how politics are the new idolatry, and why it is so easy to anathematize heretics over vaccines and masks. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Dn Timothy Kelleher on the Beauty of Science Fiction
Join Fr. Anthony as he talks with Dn. Timothy Kelleher about his roles on Independence Day and Star Trek – the Next Generation (he was also on Voyager and Enterprise), and how good storytelling is always evangelical. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Dn Timothy on Staten Island, Nostalgia, and Bad Religion
You may recognize Dn Timothy Kelleher from his appearances in NCIS, Independence Day, Thirteen Days and other movies and shows, but he has also published many thoughtful essays in First Things, Church Life Journal, and now the National Review (among others). In this episode, he and Fr. Anthony talk about Dn. Timothy’s two most recent […]