In this homily on the Sunday after Theophany (Ephesians 4:7-13; St. Matthew 4:12-17), Fr. Anthony talks about the gains made in the spreading of wealth (and the dramatic reduction of poverty) brought about through economic freedom, a freedom that encourages and empowers people to identify needs and contribute to the good of all; and uses […]
ON THE FIRST SUNDAY of the Great Fast our Church celebrates the triumph of Orthodoxy, the victory of true Christian teaching over all perversions and distortions thereof—heresies and false teachings. On the second Sunday of the Great Fast it is as though this triumph of Orthodoxy is repeated and deepened in connection with the celebration of the memory of one of the greatest pillars of Orthodoxy, the hierarch Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, who by his grace-bearing eloquence and the example of his highly ascetic private life put to shame the teachers of falsehood who dared reject the very essence of.Orthodoxy, the podvig of prayer and fasting, which enlightens the human mind with the light of grace and makes it a communicant of the divine glory.
Class – The Way of Ascetics 01
Tito Coliander’s Way of Ascetics. It’s awesome. We’re going to work our way through it together. Today’s class was interrupted by a tornado warning. We’re all okay, but the recorder shut off (I guess it got scared?)! Check out this episode!
Homily – What Would We Sacrifice for our Sin
On the Sunday after Nativity we commemorate the slaughter of the innocents by Herod. Fr. Anthony challenges us to think – and repent of – the sacrifices we would be willing to sacrifice for our own sin. Oh, and yes, he really did blank on the place of Christ’s birth (bless his heart)! He forgot […]
Homily on the Conception of the Mother of God
Among other things, in this homily Fr. Anthony demonstrates why it is so difficult to preach well on sex (it’s hard to say anything useful without saying something that offends liturgical sensibility). Check out this episode!
Homily- Duran Duran, Monty Python, and the Feast
Homily on Luke 13:10-17. What does Duran Duran (and Monty Python) have to do with the Feast and evangelism? In Fr. Anthony’s finals-addled mind: it’s all part of the pattern. Gospel: St. Luke (14: 16-24). Then He said to him, “A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, and sent his servant at […]
Class – Interpreting Nativity Scripture through Hymnography
Nativity Bible Study Session Two: Interpretation through hymnography Review: What is the Bible? What isn’t it? It is NOT the Logos! (St. John 1: 1-18) It is not a complete historical account (St. John 21:25) It is not self evident (Acts 8:26-35) Interpretation is of the Lord, through Christ (Genesis 40: 8; St. Luke 24: […]
Talk – Sdn. John Cummings on the 2019 St. Moses the Black Retreat
Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily – The Good Samaritan, Discipline, and Freedom
St. Luke 10: 25-37. Homily on the Parable of the Good Samaritan. How does discipline lead to the freedom to love? Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily – Leave it all on the track!
St. LUKE 12:16-21. The Lord said this parable: “The land of a rich man brought forth plentifully; and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns, and build larger ones; and there I will […]
Homily – What Swine Do They (WE!) Love?
In this homily on St. Luke 8:26-39, Fr. Anthony shows how easy it is to place our enemies as the villains of Gospel lessons… and reminds us that this is only because we see them through the log (pride!) in our own eyes. This recording also includes the Liturgy of the Faithful. Enjoy the show! […]