Acts 2:1-11; John 7:37-52; 8:12. God is love; the Father is love when He creates us and the world we are called to serve; the Son is love when He sacrifices Himself for our salvation; the Holy Spirit is love when He comforts, sustains, and strengthens us so that we can live in imitation of […]
ON THE FIRST SUNDAY of the Great Fast our Church celebrates the triumph of Orthodoxy, the victory of true Christian teaching over all perversions and distortions thereof—heresies and false teachings. On the second Sunday of the Great Fast it is as though this triumph of Orthodoxy is repeated and deepened in connection with the celebration of the memory of one of the greatest pillars of Orthodoxy, the hierarch Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, who by his grace-bearing eloquence and the example of his highly ascetic private life put to shame the teachers of falsehood who dared reject the very essence of.Orthodoxy, the podvig of prayer and fasting, which enlightens the human mind with the light of grace and makes it a communicant of the divine glory.
Homily on the Blind Man
Sunday of the Man Born Blind Acts 16:16:34 John 9:1-38 I strongly encourage you to spend time studying scripture. Not just reading it; it’s not like a novel that is easy to follow or a textbook that lays everything out and then footnotes the hard stuff; it requires effort. And part of the effort […]
Homily for the Sunday of the Woman at the Well
Homily on the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman; St. John 4:5-42. What are we to learn about water that is more than water and the secret food that sustained Jesus? Listen and find out! Check out this episode! Homily Notes: We have some interesting things going on in today’s Gospel reading; things having to do […]
Homily on the Sunday of the Paralytic
St. John 5:1-15; Acts 9:32-42. Summary: Three lessons: A Life lesson from St. John Chrysostom: We must persevere, even when there is no clear solution. A moral lesson from St. Augustine: There is a time for being cared for and healed, but there is also a time for healing others. A theological lesson from St. John Chrysostom: God set it […]
2019 St Thomas Sunday Homily
Homily on Belief St. John 20:19-31 Does God hate doubt? Did he shame doubters? No, He had a different approach. He wants us to know the truth; but this is MUCH less about facts than it is about us knowing Him as the God. In St. John 14:6, He says “I am the Truth…” He […]
Homily on Palm Sunday – Faith in Christ not Pride
Palm Sunday Homily. Where do we get our spiritual strength? What is the source? Is our spiritual health fragile and dependent on the circumstances, or is it robust? Do the events and people in our lives “damage our calm”, or do we have the kind of “peace that passes all understanding” guarding our hearts? The default […]
Homily for the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt (Great Lent)
St. Mark 10:32-45. In this homily, Fr. Anthony shared three lessons from the life of St. Mary: the distinction between worldly happiness and an anti-fragile joy; how our sin alienates us from knowing and loving God and neighbor; and the difficult need to trust God with our transformation into divine children through and in His […]
Homily – The Mystery of Cross is Sacrificing for Others
Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross. “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24 Christ is talking as if “coming after” or “following” Him is something good. What is that all about? Where is He going? Where is He leading us? Christ […]
Homily – Hesychasm and Love
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas Notes: So, when the saints contemplate this divine light within themselves, seeing it by the divinising communion of the Spirit, through the mysterious visitation of perfecting illuminations—then they behold the garment of their deification, their mind being glorified and filled by the grace of the Word, beautiful beyond measure in […]
Homily – Transforming the Absurd Theater of our Mind into a Temple of God
Turning the Absurd Theater of our Mind into a Temple of God Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy Triumph of Orthodoxy. Yay Church (back from oppression)! Yay Theology (protected from heresy)! They’re good, but to what end? They allow us to experience the love of God – and through it the salvation of our souls – in its […]