Homily: Getting Identity Right

It was such a blessing to be back at St. Michael’s in Woonsocket.  The homily builds on St. Paul’s words “there is no partiality with God” (Romans 2:11) to put the BIG QUESTIONS of the day into perspective. Check out this episode!

Homily on All Saints – Saintly Variation

Sunday of All Saints Sunday after Pentecost Lives of the Saints: every day is an opportunity to learn, and then to remember. One thing you will notice right away is that the saints were not the same. Some were martyrs, some were soldiers, some were preachers, some were bakers, some were known for their fasting, […]

Homily – Pentecost and the Superpower of Confession

Homily for Pentecost (on Confession) John 20:19-23 (Matins Gospel); Acts 2:1-11; John 7:37-52; 8:12 Lots of powers associated with the Holy Spirit in scripture and popular culture. Handle Snakes Drink poison Languages Glowing with Light But what use are those things? Snakes? Leave them alone or kill them Poison? Clean water and poison warnings Languages? […]

Homily on Confession (Sunday after Ascension)

Homily: the Sunday after Ascension The Celebration of First Confessions John 17:1-13 At the end of today’s Gospel, Jesus – the Son of God – tells us that He has taken all the love and teaching that His Father – God – gave Him and shared it with the people of the world so that […]

Homily on Spiritual and Psychological Blindness

The Sunday of the Man Born Blind (St. John 9:1-38) Psychologists and theologians agree: In their default setting, our minds are wired not for discerning truth but social standing.  The path to objectivity involves humility, immersing ourselves in discerning communities (e.g. of science and traditional Orthodox faith), and developing a relationship with the source of […]

Homily on Sowing (Sunday of the Samaritan Woman)

Homily on Sowing St. John 4:5-42 The metaphor of agriculture. 1 (Introduction). You have to reap when the crop is ready. If it’s ready and you don’t reap it ? what happens? Something ? or someone ? else will reap it (e.g. birds w/ blueberries) It spoils. It does not make it to the reaping […]

Homily – The Way of the Paralytic

Sunday of the Paralytic John 5:1-15 Prologue: the Gospel only makes sense within its context. Rules for living well: Do the best you can. Always strive to do better. When you mess up, admit it, clean it up, and repent. The paralytic exhibits this way of life: Doing the best he could, based on who […]

Homily on Rituals, Myrrhbearers, and Insult to Injury

Ritual, Myrrhbearers, and Dealing with Insult to Injury St. Mark 15:43-16:8 Notes (that I mostly ignored) We have a concept: adding insult to injury. It describes how tough it is when something bad has already happened and then something happens that makes the same situation even worse. This is what happened to the myrrhbearing women: […]

Homily on Trust, Magic, and the Melt Down on Aisle Three

Trust, Magic, and the Meltdown on Aisle Three Homily on St. Thomas Sunday Fr. Anthony Perkins One of the themes in today’s Gospel reading is belief. We live in a world where it is hard to know what to believe. It’s no longer just a matter of media spin, we cannot even agree on the […]

Palm Sunday Homily – The Deliverer

  Homily for Palm Sunday Philippians 4:4-9; John 12:1-18 How far are we willing to go for what is true? How far are we willing to go for what is good (virtuous)? How far are we willing to go for peace (not the cheap peace of appeasement, but the real peace of a battle well […]