Homily – Independence Day 2021

After a sermonette on St. Pauls’ words about the consciences of the Gentiles being the functional equivalent of the Law for the Jews, Fr. Anthony shares the UOC-USA Episcopal Letter for US Independence Day.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily for All Saints – Pastoring Diversity

Sunday of All Saints.  Hebrews 11:33-12:2 and Matthew 10:32-33,37-38; 19:27-30.  The prohibition against loving family more that God is, among other things, a warning against tribalism.  Fr. Anthony also talks about what the variation among saints means for loving and pastoring one another.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily for Pentecost – The Orthodox Path to Discernment and Prophecy

Acts 2:1-11; John 7:37-52, 8:12.  What is missing from on-line theological forums?  Why do they miss the mark when it comes to prophecy?  It has nothing to do with intent or the words that are shared.  The medium is lacking.  Dubious?  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – What’s in a Name?

In this homily on a selection from Christ’s High Priestly Prayer (St. John 17), Fr. Anthony encourages us to keep our theology simple.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – Blindness, Culture, and a Tangle of Knots

Sunday of the Blind Man Immediate context: God has power and compassion. When He says He invites us to join Him in His plans for remaking us and the world, we can trust both His intent and His ability to deliver. John 20:30-31. 30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the […]

A Canonist Talks about Priests and Confession

Fr. Anthony talks with Fr. Harry Linsinbigler, the Canonist for the UOC-USA, about how priests should prepare for confession, the role of penance in confession, the importance of protecting the confidentiality (“seal”) or confession, and what needs to happen when that confidentiality is broken.  It’s an important but difficult subject and we look forward to […]

Homily: Living Water and the Food We Need

In this homily on the encounter of Christ with the Samaritan woman (St. Photini) at the well, Fr. Anthony encourages us to drink deeply of the Living Water and eat the food that nourishes the Body.  The latter is a call to do the will of the God in sharing the Gospel.  Enjoy the show! […]

Homily – the paralytic, habits, and transformation

Sunday of the Paralytic In this hostage situation homily, Fr. Anthony talks about how Orthodoxy can transform the whole person and how our habits of body and mind can either work against or in support of that process.  He also managed to talk about concealed and open carry.  Hey, it’s North Carolina!  Enjoy the show! […]

Homily: A Meditation on Faith, Truth, and Community

John 20:19-31.  It is often said that we are saved in community.  Today Fr. Anthony offers a meditation on the interrelation of community, trust (faith), and Truth.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – Power to Serve NOT to Manipulate

Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt (Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 10:32-45).  This homily triangulates from the teaching of Christ on servant leadership, the example of St. Mary of Egypt, and the mystery of the Divine Liturgy to encourage us to watch for the many ways we misuse our power and fill every opportunity for service with […]