Twelve Things I Wish I’d Known:Learning how to Live and Love Orthodox Worship Welcome to the God-protected, God-loving parish of St. Michael’s! Here are some things that we hope will increase the profundity of your worship experience here, whether you are an experienced member of this parish, a visitor from another Orthodox parish, or this […]
Ten Things Everyone Should Know about the Divine Liturgy: An Introduction to Orthodox Worship
Ten Things Everyone Should Know about the Divine LiturgyAn Introduction to Orthodox Worship 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind… (St. Matthew 22:38)The most striking thing about Orthodox worship is that it is not about you; rather, it is about the one thing needful (St. Luke 10:42). For example, […]
From our Bulletin: Five Disciplines to Change Your Life
Five Orthodox disciplines that will confer quick and lasting benefits to your life: Daily private prayer for others and hesychastic meditation; takes as little as ten minutes a day – ask me how! Tithing/Orthodox Christian budgeting; reprioritizing and making your money work for you rather than the reverse! Making your home a peaceful and holy […]
RIOCF: Statement on Same-Sex Marriage
Rhode Island Orthodox Clergy FellowshipStatement on Same-Sex Marriage We, the clergy of the Orthodox Churches of Rhode Island, express our disappointment over recent developments concerning the status of marriage in our country and in our state. Specifically, we disapprove our state legislature’s vote in favor of and signing into law the practice of same-sex marriage. […]
Homily: On (not) Giving Clergy their Due
Homily on 1 Corinthians 9:2-12 Who ever goes to war at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who tends a flock and does not drink of the milk of the flock? (Excerpt) Pani and I went on vacation this past weekend. I spent part of that […]
“Children are not our future – they are our present!”
Homily in Celebration of our Children and Youth (All Saints Day, 2013) “Children are not our future – they are our present!” These words of our beloved Metropolitan Constantine of blessed memory are not a call to put our children and youth on some kind of throne, but to expect and allow them to join […]
Moral Psychology, Orthodoxy, and Ritual (video)
Here is a link to the YouTube Video of the talk. YouTube Blurb: Sometimes it seems like religious conservatives and liberals are speaking a different language when it comes to morality. Framing plays an issue as both groups try to establish which moral category best fits the given issue, but this doesn’t really explain the […]
Moral Psychology, Orthodoxy, and Ritual (handout)
Notes for a talk on Orthodoxy, Ritual and Moral Psychology (YouTube video here) Warning: I use the words “conservative” and “liberal” throughout this talk. I am not talking about Republicans and Democrats. If you think I am talking about politics your will miss the point of the talk. I am talking about psychology, morality, and […]
Homily: How to be a Man
Homily: advice to my oldest son, graduating from high school Introduction Be a hero – the right man in the right place at the right time, prepared to get things done. But how do you do that? It doesn’t just happen on it’s own. Too many men are too lazy or vice-ridden to step up […]
Homily – Our Broken Moral Psychology (and how to heal it… and the world)
Memorial Day, The Raising of the Paralytic, the raising of Dorkas, What effect do you have on others? Is it like St. Peter’s? Do you walk in the midst of broken people bringing them healing? Do others, recognizing the potency of your peace, go out of their way just to be in your shadow? Have […]