Homily Notes for Pentecost: How to Acquire the Holy Spirit

How to acquire the Holy Spirit Come to Church and follow the Orthodox Way.  A fruit of the Orthodox Way is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit. Won’t happen; can’t happen outside of Church. Look at the icon; look at the scripture It is not an individual gift, meant for our personal satisfaction. Reinforces the […]

Notes on Christian Meditation and Living the Good Life

Talk on Christian Meditation and Living the Good LifeSt. Michael UOC Ladies’ Sodality RetreatFr. Anthony Perkins, 13 May 2014 There is within us, a yearning for something better. We feel ourselves to be refugees in a land that isn’t quite right. We desire peace, joy, and growth within our own lives; but find peace to […]

From GGWB: You Don’t have to Like Your Priest

A reader recommended Brother Patrick Mary Briscoe’s article “You Don’t have to Like Your priest” (published on March 7, 2014 at Dominicana)   It is an excellent article and I recommend it, too.  Imitation is the highest form of flattery.  The following is patterned on Brother Patrick’s essay.  Why do I like it?  I know that my parishioners struggle […]

Homily – Saint Gregory of Palamas

 We have arrived at the second week of Great Lent. It is like the the second lap of a hard race, one we run to win. How are we doing? The sudden aches of the first week have receded, but we struggle to find our pace. My mirror. The real mirror is the prayer we […]

Saving yourself from the damage of war

I am going to stay on this soapbox a bit longer because I am worried.  Many people who are dear to me are following the news from Ukraine very closely, searching out every twitter feed, youtube release, live video feed, local (i.e. Ukrainian) blogger, and MSM commentary that will keep them update on what is […]

Podcast – 20140313 Epistemology, Schindler, and Ukraine

This episode begins with a reflection on the Orthodox understanding of knowledge (epistemology), but the bulk of it is an interview with John Schindler, PhD (XXCommittee.com) on spycraft, propoganda, provokation, disinformation and Ukraine.  I know you will love it! http://traffic.libsyn.com/orthoanalytika/20140312-Schindler-Ukraine.mp3

War, Ukraine, and Orthodox Epistemology

“Love your enemies… unless they invade your ancestral homeland, overthrow a government you prefer, or enact policies you find abhorrent.”The Antigospel of Satan (i.e. “Things Jesus NEVER said”).  Introduction: the temptation of demonization in times of warI have seen what what war does to the souls of good people. Far too often, the temptations of […]

Homily Notes: The Sunday after Theophany

Homily Notes: The Sunday after TheophanyEphesians 4:7-13; St. Matthew 4:12-17 Three Points from today’s scripture lessons:  Point One:  Darkness vs. Light.  Christ came to bring us light.  4:16  “The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.” (quoting Isaiah) […]

Homily – “What do you want?” vs. “Who are you?”

Homily for the Sunday after Christmas [“On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…”] It is common for us to lament the commercialization of Christmas, complaining that we have lost the “reason for the season.”  I think this is true.  Many of us are thankful that we are on the “Old […]

Orthodox Help on Keeping Resolutions (from Sunday’s bulletin)

As Orthodox Christians, we can draw on a lot of wisdom on how to improve our lives.  As we go into the New Year and all its hopes, let me share some nuggets that I have found useful. Resolution (i.e. “willpower”) is not enough.  Our faith is built around this reality.  If we want to […]