Day Thirty-three – Nog, Glog & Grog

Nog, Glog, and Grog are awesome words.  They sound like the names Tolkien would haven given to a trio of orcs or each of the heads of a three-headed giant.   Speaking of which, have you heard of an ettin?  What’s neat about this kind of giant is that each of its heads has a […]

Day Thirty-one – Idolatry

This may come as a shock to some folks, but Christians generally accept the notion that there are many gods.   In the Hebrew Old Testament, the Hebrew word “elohim“ is used to represent the One True God, angels, the sons of God, the gods of foreign nations, the good and bad gods of the […]

Day Twenty-seven – Deborah, Judge of Israel

Deborah was a hero. A bit of historical context: Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.  As preparation for leading them into the Promised Land of Canaan, he sent twelve spies into Canaan to find out the enemy’s disposition.  Of the twelve, ten came back and told how great the land was, but tried to […]

20131123 Vocations are for everyone!

What is God calling you to do?  This show opens with a talk on vocations geared for everyone – vocations are not just for men in black!  I follow this with a short story by Rdr. Nicholas Perkins, and finish by asnwering some mail on paleo, fasting, and the Bread of Life.  Enjoy the show! […]

Day Seven – The Holy of Holies

Our parish has been holding services in the hall for the past year.  Not an easy thing to deal with, especially for those who grew up in our old building, with its wonderful acoustics, iconography, and architecture.  It is hard for some people to feel the presence of God in the hall.  I sympathize with […]

Day Six – Glory

We just finished celebrating the All Night Vigil for the Feast of the Holy Archangel Michael and All the Bodiless Hosts (our parish feast).  One of the neat things about the Vigil service is that it is loaded with hymnography; Lord I Call, Litya, Aposticha, Canon, Praises, plus Tropars and the Kondak, all of them […]

20130325 Paleo, the Paranormal, and Prepping

Today’s show addresses the questions of Lenten Paleo fasting, whether NDE’s are proof of the soul etc., and what everyone should do to be prepared for the most likely emergencies.  I also talk about fun and transformative lenten disciplines like fasting, meditation, and walking.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode Some links for this […]

20120819 Interview on the Paranormal and Ecumenism Today’s show starts with me talking about some logistical changes (increased access to back editions, upgraded website, twitter) ORTHOAnalytika.  Speaking of which, here’s a shoutout to Fr. John Peck of Logos Web Services for his work on the layout/content transfer and to Fr. John at Orthodox Internet Services for his hosting services. No transitions are painless, […]

Check out my interview w/ Doc Fermento!

I have been following Bryan Davis’ blog “” and podcast “Doc Fermento Discovers the World” since he was a guest on Jack Spirko’s “Survival Podcast“. He’s the one who got me interested in fermenting things – now I make my own sauerkraut, rejuvelak, kefir, and kombucha.  He gets some really good guests on his show […]

20120113 Spirituality of Christmas and Theophany

In this (welcome back) edition, we go back to the old format; starting with a reflection, covering a few news stories and satirical advertisements and the like, then finishing with the Volya (Freedom) segment that treats a topic of interest in some detail. But before we begin, I reckon that I owe you an explanation: […]