We were made to work One of the great virtues of this nation is its commitment to work hard and to work well. This virtue does not allow us to see work in purely economic terms; it isn’t just about paying the bills, providing for the family, or having enough to give freely to those […]
From our Bulletin: Five Disciplines to Change Your Life
Five Orthodox disciplines that will confer quick and lasting benefits to your life: Daily private prayer for others and hesychastic meditation; takes as little as ten minutes a day – ask me how! Tithing/Orthodox Christian budgeting; reprioritizing and making your money work for you rather than the reverse! Making your home a peaceful and holy […]
Homily: Why is it so hard to build a good marriage (and parish)?
Homily on Saint Luke 5:1-11; Fishers of Men So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, and saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. Then He got into […]
RIOCF: Statement on Same-Sex Marriage
Rhode Island Orthodox Clergy FellowshipStatement on Same-Sex Marriage We, the clergy of the Orthodox Churches of Rhode Island, express our disappointment over recent developments concerning the status of marriage in our country and in our state. Specifically, we disapprove our state legislature’s vote in favor of and signing into law the practice of same-sex marriage. […]
My notes for the talk on Moral Psychology
I had hoped to find time to write these up properly – but two moths later I haven’t! So here it is, mis-spellings, poor grammar, and all! Notes for a talk on Orthodoxy, Ritual and Moral Psychology Warning: I use the words “conservative” and “liberal” throughout this talk. I am not talking about Republicans and […]
Podcast: 20130807 Being a Hero and Moral Psychology
This podcasts begins with advice for young people to become heroes. The rest is devoted to introducing listeners to some findings in moral psychology and their relevance to Orthodoxy (hint- it’s about ritual/Orthopraxis). Lord willing, I’ll be devoting more podcasts to devloping these themes. Here are the notes for the moral psychology talk (alas it […]
“Children are not our future – they are our present!”
Homily in Celebration of our Children and Youth (All Saints Day, 2013) “Children are not our future – they are our present!” These words of our beloved Metropolitan Constantine of blessed memory are not a call to put our children and youth on some kind of throne, but to expect and allow them to join […]
Moral Psychology, Orthodoxy, and Ritual (video)
Here is a link to the YouTube Video of the talk. YouTube Blurb: Sometimes it seems like religious conservatives and liberals are speaking a different language when it comes to morality. Framing plays an issue as both groups try to establish which moral category best fits the given issue, but this doesn’t really explain the […]
Moral Psychology, Orthodoxy, and Ritual (handout)
Notes for a talk on Orthodoxy, Ritual and Moral Psychology (YouTube video here) Warning: I use the words “conservative” and “liberal” throughout this talk. I am not talking about Republicans and Democrats. If you think I am talking about politics your will miss the point of the talk. I am talking about psychology, morality, and […]
Homily – The Enlightened Moral Psychology of the Samaritan Woman
Homily Notes: Samaritan Woman St. John 4:5-42 “He told me all I ever did.” (St. John 4:29) This is not new for God. His omniscience has long been recognized. The prophet David proclaimed it in song in Psalm 138, which includes these words (7-12); Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I […]