Memorial Day, The Raising of the Paralytic, the raising of Dorkas, What effect do you have on others? Is it like St. Peter’s? Do you walk in the midst of broken people bringing them healing? Do others, recognizing the potency of your peace, go out of their way just to be in your shadow? Have […]
20130325 Paleo, the Paranormal, and Prepping
Today’s show addresses the questions of Lenten Paleo fasting, whether NDE’s are proof of the soul etc., and what everyone should do to be prepared for the most likely emergencies. I also talk about fun and transformative lenten disciplines like fasting, meditation, and walking. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode Some links for this […]
20121107 Gvosdev on Orthodoxy and Politics
The hits keep coming! After I share some of my thoughts on how to approach democratic politics as a member of a minority faith that has universalist moral truth claims (hint: I love the U.S. Constitution), I share an awesome interview with Professor Nick Gvosdev. He gives historical and theological hope for a “third way” […]
Homily – On Unity (Ephesians 2: 14-22)
The Reading from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Ephesians. [2:14-22]: Christ is our peace, Who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, * by abolishing in His Flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that He might create in Himself one new man in […]
Homily: The Cosmic Implications of the Golden Rule
St. Luke 6:31-36 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? […]
An Orthodox Plea for Limited Government
In my last post, I shared my notes for the panel on politics and religion. The talks went well. I only had five minutes, so I didn’t get to everything during my presentation. I was, however, able to work most of the main points during the Q & A. This is pretty much what I […]
Draft Notes for a Talk on Orthodoxy, Politics, and Religion
The URI Chaplains’ Association, of which I am a member, is putting on a multi-faith panel discussion entitled “The Unmentionables: religion and politics.” I get to present the Orthodox experience. Here’s a draft of my notes. If you comment quick enough, you can have an impact on my presentation. I sure would appreciate the help! […]
20120930 Grit, Nutrition, and Chris Masterjohn, PhD
This episode begins with an explanation of why Jesus calls a desperate woman a “dog” and a discourse on the need for spiritual “grit”; but the vast bulk of the show is given over to a wonderful interview with Chris Masterjohn, a PhD post-doc in nutrition who talks to us about eating real, eating ancestral, […]
Homily – Taking work (and liturgy) seriously
St. Matthew 21:33-42; 1 Corinthians 16:13-24 Work: A Homily for Labor Day Weekend This week’s epistle reading is a wonderful reminder that no parish exists in isolation (any more than Christians exist in isolation), and that the bonds between our parishes should be strengthened and cherished. I strongly encourage everyone to visit other parishes, especially on […]