In this homily on First Corinthians 12:27-13:8 (on gifts and love) and St. Luke 16:19-31 (the rich man and Lazarus), Fr. Anthony encourages us to cultivate humility so that we can see the beauty in others. Without this, even our best words and actions will be off the mark. Enjoy the show! Check out this […]
COVID, Vaccines, Orthodoxy and Discernment in an Age of Deception
Join Fr. Anthony next to his back porch in Hartwell, Georgia, as he talks with scientist, theologian, professor, Associate Dean, and evangelist, Gayle Woloschak, PhD, DMin (Northwestern University) about COVID, vaccines, and discernment. This is a recording of Fr. Anthony’s livestream from 10/24/2020. Check out this episode!
Live Not By Lies; a conversation on authenticity
In this recording of Fr. Anthony’s livestream, he and Fr. Gregory Jensen talk about authenticity and Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s (and Rod Dreher’s) advice to “live not by lies.” Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily on the Absurdity of the Gospel
In St. Luke 5:1-11 Christ calls fisherman to be his disciples, in this homily Fr. Anthony reflects on how absurd it is that He didn’t use angels or Greek philosophers to be his messengers and evangelists, going on to describe the implications for us as we evangelize and pastor our neighbors (and ourselves). Enjoy the […]
On Transcendent Introspection and Loving our Enemies
This is a recording of Fr. Anthony Perkins’ Livestream from 10 October 2020. In it, he continues the themes from his discussion with Fr. Gregory Jensen on transcendent introspection and a good test of our relationship with Christ (and complexity): can we love President Trump AND Antifa? Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily – we cannot love commodities
In this homily on St. Luke 6:31-36, Fr. Anthony develops the idea that that our inability to love well is a result of the way we objectify and commodify things, our neighbor, and the Church. Enjoy the show! Homily: Loving vs. Commodifying (St. Luke 6:31-36) Introduction: missing the point It is hard for us to […]
Livestream on Civil Society, Culture, and Discernment
Audio recording of Fr. Anthony’s Livestream from 10/3/2020. In it, he warms up with a talk about civil society, moves on to parish culture, and finishes with a bit on discernment and prelest. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily – Politics, Polarization, and the Cross
In this homily, Fr. Anthony explains the meaning of the Cross for us today in the light of 1 Corinthians 6:12 (“All things are lawful for me…”), Philippians 2:6 (“[Christ Jesus] did not consider it robbery”), 1 Corinthians 10:33 (“…so that some might be saved.”), and the Transfiguration. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily – Love is Impossible Good Work
Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross Galatians 2:16-20; Mark 8:34-9:1 (The Greatest Commandment) life has no meaning without a goal. Goals allow us to distinguish between what is useful and what isn’t; the right goal ensures that all our actions are virtuous. This week restates this lesson. Listen closely: And Jesus called to him the […]
Orthodoxy and the (Intersectional) Religion of the Future
This is a recording of Fr. Anthony Perkins’ YouTube Livestream from 7/13/2020. In it, he talks about how stupidity is overdetermined (and not just demonic or agenda-driven), a couple of the things that make intersectionality such a perverse and counter-productive religion, and how Orthodox Christians are both culpable for it and responsible for replacing it […]