Sunday of the Prodigal Son St. Luke 15:11-32 We are called to live a life of love; to bring healing, reconciliation, and harmonious joy to the world. This is the goal of every good person, and the reason we gather here every Sunday. So why is it that the world is still broken? Even harder, […]
Homily – The Pharisee Can’t See – or Love – Himself
The Publican and the Pharisee St. Luke 18:9-14 The theme of Great Lent is repentance. More than learning to say “sorry” (although this is important) More than promising to “do better next time” (although this is important) It is the process of making a real change; of becoming something else – something even better Review […]
Homily – Seeing Your Neighbor through Faith
Homily on St. Luke 18:35-43, the healing of the blind man. How does faith in Christ heal our blindness? Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Academic Talk: Ritual Actions and the Development of Moral Instinct
Paper presented at the International Orthodox Theological Association on 9-12 January 2019 in Iasi, Romania., 2019. What is the relationship between ritual actions and moral development? How does Orthopraxis mold believers into virtuous people? More specifically, what role do common Orthodox practices like prostrations, prayer rules, fasting, and kissing the hands of priests and bishops […]
Homily on the Peace of Christ and the Security of the State
The Peace of the Cross and the Safety of the State Ephesians 2:14-22 Christ has “broken down the dividing wall of hostility” between us; reconciling all his believing children to God and one another “through the cross, thereby bringing an end to hostility.” The Cross – sacrifice to the point of death – is the […]
A Parable and Discussion on Ukrainian Autocephaly
Fr. Anthony shares a parable that explains how the EP and the UOC-USA understand the EP’s work in Ukraine. Then he discusses the situation with a live studio audience. Enjoy the show!
Parish Politics Threaten Evangelism (A Parable on Ukraine)
It was a long Summer. It all started when I got an e-mail from someone asking if he could come to Liturgy. He also asked about membership and taking Communion. I did my usual thing, underscoring that everyone was welcome to experience God and fellowship here, and explaining what I would do to help him […]
Homily on Spiritual and Psychological Blindness
The Sunday of the Man Born Blind (St. John 9:1-38) Psychologists and theologians agree: In their default setting, our minds are wired not for discerning truth but social standing. The path to objectivity involves humility, immersing ourselves in discerning communities (e.g. of science and traditional Orthodox faith), and developing a relationship with the source of […]
Parish Talk – Home is WHAT the Heart Is
We often hear that “Home is where the heart is”, and this is certainly true. But what if the longing we felt towards home could be satisfied not by a place, but by a condition of being? What if we could “be” in that place where we find joyful contentment at any time and at […]
Fr. Anthony’s Kefir Routine
Background. The kefir “grains” are small beads of good bacteria that change milk into kefir at room temperature. The longer the milk is allowed to change, the more sour and (eventually) solid it gets. I like mine at two days. Three days and it’s a bit too sour. Four days and I can’t use it. […]