Our economy continues to “correct” itself after decades of being artificially inflated by easy credit, poor saving habits, and superfluous spending. The government is attempting to ease the effects of this correction by replacing the suddenly prudent (i.e. risk-averse) credit market with its own. In this way, it forces more money into a system in […]
The Holodomor – not just bureaucratic excess
A letter to the editor entitled “Stalin didn’t purposely starve Ukrainians” recently appeared in the local paper. The author attempts to dispel the “myth”, “tall tale”, and “legend” of the Ukrainian Holodomor in 1932-33. Sifting through his hyperbole, his argument relies on the following “facts”; I will briefly address each in turn: The Holodomor serves […]
On the Obligations of Christian Citizenship
The demands of sacrificial love and citizenship are hard to reconcile. Christ demands that we welcome strangers, turn the other cheek, and love our enemies. But the governments we elect have immigration laws, prisons, and armies that they use to turn away strangers, imprison those who assault others, and fight against those who declare war […]
More Thoughts on Immigration Policy
[FIRST POSTED ON AUGUST 18 2008; UPDATED ON OCTOBER 10, 2008] I am not a political activist – my activism is “in the trenches”, building up the community of Christ rather than than trying to lobby the government. But as a citizen in a democratic country who pastors the same, and as an amateur political […]
A New Direction in Pakistan’s COIN Effort
The weeks since my last post have been a busy time for those who follow Pakistani politics. As I wrote last time, I was waiting for the “other shoe to drop” as various groups in Pakistan reacted to our increased cross-border attacks. The shoe has dropped, but the result has been much more muted than […]
Thoughts on the Bailout
On the Bailout How did we get into this mess? Well, it started when Adam and Eve decided to go against God… Okay this may be taking things a bit too far back, but it really is about choosing selfishness over prudence; of choosing to create a new reality apart from the Truth. This fallen […]
Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop in Pakistan
While few of us will ever know the complete truth (at least this side of the eschaton), it looks as though the Coalition finally made good on its threats to take matters into its own hands in the tribal areas of Pakistan. According to local reports, three helicopters deployed a team of Coalition and Afghan […]
Religion in the News – the Presidential Campaign
Some people are shocked to learn that there are still Christians who actual believe that Christianity is the True Faith, that all other religions are false, and that we must constantly engage in spiritual warfare. Of course, this made the news because (GASP!) the GOP VP nominee is a Pentecostal Christian. Pentecostalism focuses on the […]
The Coming Storm in Pakistan
News reports are full of optimism about Pakistan’s increased cooperation with NATO on the War on Terrorism now that Musharraf has been replaced with a democratic government. I don’t see this happening. In fact, I don’t see any likely course that makes things better. In fact, for the next couple of years, I think following […]
The Impeachment of President Musharraf – we will miss him
Former President Musharraf, was a favorite target of just about everyone. Islamists of every stripe (Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the religious parties, and many among the religious elite) hated him because of his attempts to rein in (and stop funding/supporting) militant and terrorist Islamists in his country, his attempt to moderate the practice of Islam […]