In my last post, I shared my notes for the panel on politics and religion. The talks went well. I only had five minutes, so I didn’t get to everything during my presentation. I was, however, able to work most of the main points during the Q & A. This is pretty much what I […]
Draft Notes for a Talk on Orthodoxy, Politics, and Religion
The URI Chaplains’ Association, of which I am a member, is putting on a multi-faith panel discussion entitled “The Unmentionables: religion and politics.” I get to present the Orthodox experience. Here’s a draft of my notes. If you comment quick enough, you can have an impact on my presentation. I sure would appreciate the help! […]
Homily – Taking work (and liturgy) seriously
St. Matthew 21:33-42; 1 Corinthians 16:13-24 Work: A Homily for Labor Day Weekend This week’s epistle reading is a wonderful reminder that no parish exists in isolation (any more than Christians exist in isolation), and that the bonds between our parishes should be strengthened and cherished. I strongly encourage everyone to visit other parishes, especially on […]
20120902 Politics and Religion in Russia
Listen to the podcast! We begin this podcast with a talk about Taking Work Seriously. Next, we have a wonderful conversation with Nicolai Petro, PhD (Professor of Political Science at The University of Rhode Island) about the politics of Orthodoxy and Islam in Russia. During the first half we talk about the Pussy […]
20120412 The Orthodox Way
Notes: The Orthodox Way (Hesychasm and St. Gregory Palamas) Interview with Bryan Davis as Doc Fermento. News. Why things aren’t really that bad (and likely to get even better). Matt Ridley (The Rational Optimist): 17 Reasons to be Cheerful. No, things aren’t as bad as Alex Jones et al claim. Effects of Greek orthodox christian church […]
20120224 Seeds, News, and Judgement
Shownotes The Prodigal Son – Eating Pig Pods… and loving it! News Update on the homestead: prepping purchases of note (traded the jeep for a Smart Car, little house in the woods, pantry system from Shelf Reliance, Abortion safer than giving birth: study – Yahoo! News For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage […]
20120206 A Pregnant Creation, Mail Call, and Islam
Podcast Notes Homily on Zacchaeus et al. (due to the delay in recording, this was bumped by a Homily on the Publican and the Pharisee) Mail Bag What should I do if there are no regular Orthodox services in my area? What are the most healthy expressions of sexuality? (note on recent decision to ban […]
20120120 Theophany, Local News, and a Review of History
Podcast Notes: Talk a little about Theophany. Before the news… A word from a sponsor (satire) – Guido-vich and Mak-mech-enko Revenue Consultants.With the new immigration comes new opportunity. The first immigration brought hard work and selfless dedication to building communities and parishes. The second immigration brought a faith that had been forged by circumstances too difficult […]
Trusted Ally or Traitorous Foe: Competing narratives on Pakistan and why they matter
The Obama administration, with the full support of the mainstream media, seems intent on starting a war with Pakistan.
A 9/11 Homily – We are All Connected
This day we commemorate the beheading of St. John the Baptist. The slaughter of such a righteous man by the wicked is hard for us to accept. It causes us great grief, and so, on this day we observe a strict fast. On this same day ten years ago, thousands were killed by the wicked. […]