Today Fr. Anthony talks with heterodox political scientist Matthew Woessner (PhD, OSU) about how to recognize bad research. We are being inundated by all kinds of misinformation (and disinformation!) through the press and social media, to include from otherwise Orthodox sources. This is increasing our polarization and decreasing our trust in institutions and one another. […]
My Fool Head – Getting Theology Right
After talking about his experience with a dead battery, Fr. Anthony ties the theology of the Logos and beauty into his ongoing conversation on worldviews, framing, and connecting dots in a way that is eternally true and not just accurate. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
My Fool Head – Framing, Confirmation Bias, and Worldviews
After talking about the heresy of decaf coffee, Fr. Anthony triangulates from three verses of scripture: “I said in my amazement every man is a liar” (Psalm 116:11), “If You O Lord should mark iniquities who shall stand, but there is forgiveness with You” (Psalm 130:3) and “What is truth” (John 18:38) to talk about […]
My Fool Head – Worship, Worldview, and Truth
After introducing myself, I talk about the importance of worship and home in fostering a Christian phronema and how the forces of the world convince us to accept and rally around lies. Enjoy the show! From my YouTube livestream. Check out this episode!
Homily on Truth, Politics, and the Babel Fish of Love
Romans 12:6-14. Fr. Anthony reflects on the necessity of using the Babel Fish of Love (i.e. charity as a translation filter) when evaluating the truth claims of others, especially when they are using the vernacular of their own political tribe. He also laments how we so easily moralize and dogmatize disputations about facts – an […]
Talking with Fr Harry about Politics as the New Idolatry
Join Fr. Anthony and Fr. Harry as they talk about how artificially romanticizing the Golden Age of the Councils contributes to the polarization of our communities, how politics are the new idolatry, and why it is so easy to anathematize heretics over vaccines and masks. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Two Friends Talking about Politics and Religion in a Car
Fr. Anthony and Deacon Michael Abrahamson talk politics and religion as they drive through the mountains of Western North Carolina. Topics include keeping perspective and the glorious ontology of doing harmony. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Homily: A Meditation on Faith, Truth, and Community
John 20:19-31. It is often said that we are saved in community. Today Fr. Anthony offers a meditation on the interrelation of community, trust (faith), and Truth. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!
Dn Timothy on Staten Island, Nostalgia, and Bad Religion
You may recognize Dn Timothy Kelleher from his appearances in NCIS, Independence Day, Thirteen Days and other movies and shows, but he has also published many thoughtful essays in First Things, Church Life Journal, and now the National Review (among others). In this episode, he and Fr. Anthony talk about Dn. Timothy’s two most recent […]
Dylan Pahman on Markets, Morality, and Magic the Gathering
After some small talk on the pastoral value of wedding planning, Fr. Anthony and Dylan Pahman (Acton Institute) talk about what Magic the Gathering can teach us about markets and morality and about the general need for economic literacy. For the last half of the show, they talk about the value of markets, liberal democracy, […]