Homily – Forgiveness May Involve Boundaries or Goodbye

Matthew 18:23-35.  The parable on forgiveness (the wicked servant).  God desires us to be one as He is one.  This is good and beautiful (!), but it isn't easy because we (unlike God) we are not holy!  This means that we need to … [Continue reading]

Homily – Ignore the Orcs

In this homily on the healing/exorcism of the lunatic (St. Matthew 17:14-23), after talking about the life skill of monitoring the response to and use of compliments and criticism, Fr. Anthony continues his metaphor of the mind as terrain that has … [Continue reading]

Homily – Transfiguration to Prepare us for the Crucifixion of Christ (and Church)

Matthew 17:1-9.  Fr. Anthony shares St. Leo's wisdom in drawing our attention to the way Transfiguration prepares us for the persecution of both Christ and His Church.  Oh, and Fr. Anthony tried out a new Bluetooth mic.  Enjoy the … [Continue reading]

Homily – Bring What You Have (Feeding 5000+)

Matthew 14:14-22 (Feeding the Five Thousand).  After sharing a life-skill for living in community (ie leading with patience), Fr. Anthony shares some of the levels of meaning the Church provides when it preaches/teaches on the feeding of the … [Continue reading]

Homily – Connect with and then Heal the Weak

Romans 15:1-7.  St. Paul didn't want Christians to let their pieties around food keep them from connecting with and evangelizing their neighbors.  We might not do this with food, but we are certainly tempted to do it with our national … [Continue reading]

Homily – Some Words on Humility and Discernment

Today was the celebration of the Fourth Ecumenical Council, the Council that followed just twenty years after the Ecumenical Council at Ephesus; both councils clarified the proper way to understand and describe Jesus Christ being fully God and fully … [Continue reading]

Homily – Reclaiming the Ungoverned Spaces (Part II)

Romans 10:1-10; Matthew 8:28-9:1.  Today Fr. Anthony continues last week's theme of reclaiming the ungoverned places using the events at Gardenes as a case study of how societies - and our minds - often react (unfortunately, last week's was not … [Continue reading]

Interview with Lori – parish history

Today Fr. Anthony interviews Lori, a founding member of Christ the Savior parish in Anderson, SC.  Listen as she describes how the parish started in the 90's with a group of Episcopalians who felt abandoned by the changes in that Christian … [Continue reading]

Interview with Fr. David Randolph

Today Fr. Anthony interviews Fr. David Randolph.  Fr. David converted to Orthodoxy from the Episcopal Church in the 90's.  He served as the pastor of Christ the Savior Antiochian Orthodox Church in Anderson SC from 1998 to his retirement in … [Continue reading]

Homily – The Culture of our Bishops

Romans 2:10-16; St. Matthew 4:18-23.  On our own, we make a mess.  We need solid leadership.  Today Fr. Anthony shares some wisdom from Mp. Saba and Bp. Nicholas.  Sdn. Scott thought the homily was a winner; "he got in Tolkien, … [Continue reading]