In this unevenly executed but well-intentioned meditation on Luke 17:12-19 (the ten lepers), Fr. Anthony talks about moving from transactional gratitude, beyond optimism, into an awful thanksgiving. Enjoy the show! Check out this … [Continue reading]
Nativity Homily of St. John Chrysostom
The second-best homily you will hear all year (the first being his Paschal homily)! Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]
Homily – Lessons from the Circumcision of Christ
Colossians 2:8-12; Luke 2:20-21; 40-52. Fr. Anthony gives a straightforward homily on the Circumcision, using the name of Jesus/Joshua to frame a discussion of the incarnation, law vs. grace, and the need to be transformed by grace. Enjoy … [Continue reading]
Homily – The Banquet of Every Moment
In this meditation on Colossians 3:4-11 and Luke 14:16-24, Fr. Anthony speaks on the need to submit to the duty and propriety of love rather than chasing ephemeral joys (distractions). Without this, we miss out on the meaning and significance … [Continue reading]
Homily – Spiritual Maturity
Ephesians 2:14-22 (wall of separation), Luke 10:25-37 (eye of the camel). In this homily (hostage situation?), Fr. Anthony notes how far our experience is from that promised by the Gospel. He suggests that it is our unwillingness to take … [Continue reading]
Homily – Storehouses, Discipline, and Grace
Luke 12:16-21; Ephesians 2:4-10. Alas, I still feel the effects of Covid (mind fog, a cough). In this homily on overcoming our limitations through discipline and grace, I overshared (twice!), squashed three points, and overshot my … [Continue reading]
Homily Recap – The Good Samaritan IS Love
Hebrews 7:26-8:2; Luke 10:25-37. In this recap of today's homily (the recorder didn't work for the actual homily, so Fr. Anthony recorded this in the car on his way home), Fr. Anthony takes humanity to task for not loving God or our … [Continue reading]
Homily – Together on the Cross
Fr. Anthony misplaced his recorder, so this homily is about a month old. He talks about the need to imitate Christ on the Cross - and that means suffering for others NOT for ourselves. And we should never do that alone. Enjoy the … [Continue reading]
Homily – Seeing and Caring for the Broken Among Us
In this homily on the Parable on the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), Fr. Anthony makes three points: that we are called to notice and care for the hungry and sick at our doorstep, that we are to called to notice and minister to all the … [Continue reading]
Homily-We are TOGETHER on the Cross
In this homily, Fr. Anthony continues to meditate on the meaning of the Cross. This time, he combines three concepts: the purpose of Christ's passion (to heal and save others, not himself), the fact that we are called to be Christ (with him in … [Continue reading]