Homily on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 and Luke 15:11-32 (Prodigal Son). Fr. Anthony explains how God's imprint enables community and the multiplication of grace. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]
Intro to Orthodoxy: Great Vespers
Today's class is the beginning of a series on specific services. We start with Great Vespers, the first service of the new day. It's a great way to spend Saturday evening! Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]
Intro to Orthodoxy: Don’t Double Down on Stupid
Today Fr. Anthony reviews some of the tricks our minds play with us to believe things that aren't true and then describes the critical role humility and passionlessness play in guarding us against their worst effects and keeping us from doubling down … [Continue reading]
Homily – Heights by Humility
Publican and Pharisee. After sharing a parable on rock-climbing, Fr. Anthony encourages us to hold our opinions gently and to take some baby steps towards humility by admitting that "we might not be as right as we could have been" and that … [Continue reading]
Homily – There is No Place for Smiting (or racism)
In this meditation on Matthew 15:21-28 and Corinthians 6:16-7:1, Fr. Anthony talks about the new way of holiness and the transition from smiting enemies to drawing them into the Kingdom through love. Enjoy the show! Check out this … [Continue reading]
Intro to Orthodoxy: Cialdini, Manipulation, and Orthodoxy
Today I present the main ideas from the research on the psychology of influence (Cialdini) and briefly describe its relevance for theological discernment. Livestreamed on 2/1/2022.Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]
Homily – St Pauls Example
1 Timothy 1:15-17. Take two (because ... Old Calendar and New Calendar). Another call to bring back the saying; "glory to God." Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]
Intro to Orthodoxy: Heresy and How to Avoid It
In tonight's livestream class, Fr. Anthony frames theology as communal and heresy as a breakdown of community. He uses the example of the corrections that take place among musicians to help make the point. Enjoy the show! Check out this … [Continue reading]
Alexandria, Moscow and the Canonical Status of Ecclesial Territory
Today Fr. Anthony discusses the Moscow Patriarchate's establishment of an African Exarchate in the territory of the ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria with canonist, Fr. Harry Linsinbigler. They talk about how this differs from other parallel … [Continue reading]
Homily: Achieving Heights by Humility
1 Timothy 1:15-17. After providing his testimony, St. Paul immediately breaks into a prayer of exultation. We would do well to imitate that habit and bring back the saying; "glory to God." Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]