This homily was given on the day of the celebration of St. Michael and the Hosts of Heaven. Although it was never explicated, it is a meditation triangling in from on Hebrews 13:2; "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have … [Continue reading]
My Fool Head – Getting Theology Right
After talking about his experience with a dead battery, Fr. Anthony ties the theology of the Logos and beauty into his ongoing conversation on worldviews, framing, and connecting dots in a way that is eternally true and not just accurate. Enjoy the … [Continue reading]
Intro to Orthodoxy: Cycles of Worship Worship Cycles: Redeeming the Time Ephesians 5:14b-16. Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as … [Continue reading]
Homily – The Samaritan, Fasting, and Ancestral Sin
The Good Samaritan and the Eve of St. Phillip's Fast. It isn't just our understanding of "neighbor" that needs adjusting. We misunderstand love. And because of that, we tend to get fasting wrong. Part of the problem is that we … [Continue reading]
My Fool Head – Framing, Confirmation Bias, and Worldviews
After talking about the heresy of decaf coffee, Fr. Anthony triangulates from three verses of scripture: "I said in my amazement every man is a liar" (Psalm 116:11), "If You O Lord should mark iniquities who shall stand, but there is forgiveness with … [Continue reading]
Intro to Orthodoxy 004: Core Beliefs
In this episode we go over life, the universe, and everything (aka Orthodox core beliefs). The "Small Catechism" from the UOC-USA Prayer Book provides the outline for this discussion. Our Faith: … [Continue reading]
Homily on Seeing the Poor with Noetic Sight
Homily on Luke 16:19-31. After covering the more superficial material "brain-based" message of the Gospel, Fr. Anthony tries to guide the listener to the deeper meanings. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]
My Fool Head – Worship, Worldview, and Truth
After introducing myself, I talk about the importance of worship and home in fostering a Christian phronema and how the forces of the world convince us to accept and rally around lies. Enjoy the show! From my YouTube livestream. … [Continue reading]
Intro to Orthodoxy 003: Orthopraxis
This week we will go over some of the habits that we use to train our instincts and deepen our faith. Actions covered will include things like how and when we make the sign of the cross, how to greet a priest/bishop, how we act as we move around the … [Continue reading]
Intro to Orthodoxy 002: Architecture
Tonight we'll continue our series by looking at the arrangement of our churches through the lens of the theology of beauty. Our Faith: Church Architecture and the Movement of the Faithful Opening … [Continue reading]