My Fool Head – Worship, Worldview, and Truth

After introducing myself, I talk about the importance of worship and home in fostering a Christian phronema and how the forces of the world convince us to accept and rally around lies.  Enjoy the show!  From my YouTube livestream. … [Continue reading]

Intro to Orthodoxy 003: Orthopraxis

This week we will go over some of the habits that we use to train our instincts and deepen our faith. Actions covered will include things like how and when we make the sign of the cross, how to greet a priest/bishop, how we act as we move around the … [Continue reading]

Intro to Orthodoxy 002: Architecture

Tonight we'll continue our series by looking at the arrangement of our churches through the lens of the theology of beauty. Our Faith: Church Architecture and the Movement of the Faithful Opening … [Continue reading]

Homily – Judgment without Love (and Humility) is Demonolatry

Meditation on St. Paul (2 Corinthians 9:8) "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work."  Somewhere in the midst of all those words (30 … [Continue reading]

Teaching the Sunday Resurrection Matins Resurrection Matins (24 October 2021) Notes for Teaching through the Resurrection Matins serviceFr. Anthony Perkins Matins is a category of service known as an “Office.” Offices are common prayers … [Continue reading]

Inquiry Class 001: Mysteries/Sacraments (a first take) Questions for consideration: does God just work through ideas and the heart, or does He work in the physical world, too?  How about mankind?  Is there such a thing as a blessing?  A curse?  How do … [Continue reading]

Inquiry Class 000 – Introduction YouTube Inquirers Class 12 October 2021 In the name … Glory to Jesus Christ!  Glory forever! Introduce self.  Married for thirty- one years.  Orthodox twenty-one … [Continue reading]

Homily – Building a Good Marriage – and Parish!

Homily on Luke 5:1-11. Introduction: How Christ Builds the Church This is a beautiful story from the ministry of Jesus Christ. It comes on the heels of his Baptism, his temptation by the devil in the wilderness, and the beginning of his preaching … [Continue reading]

Homily – It’s All Good (a St. Dionysian meditation)

2 Corinthians 4: 6-15; St. Matthew 22: 35-46. We have power, but lack discernment.  Seeing things clearly cannot be achieved through even the most objective scientific analysis.  The problem is found in the etymology of the very word "objective".  … [Continue reading]

Teaching Divine Liturgy (9/26/2021)

Here is the audio from the service. Teaching Liturgy on 9/26/2021 at Holy Resurrection in Waynesville NC Notes for the Teaching Liturgy Before the service.After attending the Divine Liturgy at Hagia Sophia in … [Continue reading]