Fr. Gregory Jensen PhD and Fr. Anthony begin by talking about three (no four!) indicators of whether a man is a suitable candidate for seminary, then segue into the importance of a healthy marriage and family life (e.g. 1 Timothy 3). They use … [Continue reading]
Homily – Don’t Ignore the Owner!
1 Corinthians 16: 13-24; St. Matthew 21: 33-42. In today's Gospel, Christ is trying to help His listeners understand who He was, who sent Him, and why it was that the religious leaders rejected Him. As Christians, we grow up understanding that Christ … [Continue reading]
Orthodoxy and Sex I
Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD and Fr. Anthony Perkins talk about Orthodox sexuality, chastity, celibacy, and abstinence. Along the way they also discuss the negative effects the culture wars have had on Orthodoxy and pastoral care. They hope to … [Continue reading]
Homily – What must I do (to thread the needle)?
Matthew 19:16-26 The quotes: If thou hadst ever had an absurd desire to fly and to be borne through the air, how wouldest thou extinguish this unreasonable desire? By fashioning wings, and preparing other instruments, or by convincing the mind that … [Continue reading]
Homily: Patterning Virtue through Liturgy
1 Corinthians 9:2-12; Matthew 18:23-35. Fr. Anthony contrasts the way of the world with the Way of Christ, compares the wicked lender with the Passion-bearer Gleb, and encourages us to nurture the Logos within through Liturgy and prayer. … [Continue reading]
Homily – Second Anniversary in Waynesville NC
Fr. Anthony reminds the faithful at Holy Resurrection (Waynesville NC) or who they are, what they have been through, and what they are about. Unity. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]
Homily – A Meandering Mess of Homily on Something or Other
1 Corinthians 3:9-17; Matthew 14:22-34. Here's the text of the homily I was going to give. Instead of it, I preached on what "the day" has declared in our lives over the last couple of years. It was partially prompted by … [Continue reading]
On the Duty of Withholding Sacraments
In this episode, Fr. Anthony and Fr. Harry address the often misunderstood necessity of withholding sacraments. Framing it as a normal process (beginning with Baptism) allows us to see it less as a political power play or punishment (as the … [Continue reading]
Homily – Discernment, Disagreement, and Division
1 Corinthians 1:10-18. How do people dedicated to being One (as God is One) end up being "of" Paul, Apollos, and Cephas? As we interact and baptize a culture, we are going to disagree about the utility of various symbols, ideas, etc in … [Continue reading]
Homily on Bearing the Burdens of the Weak can be Sustainable
Romans 15:1-7. There is so much need in the world; how can we bear its burden without breaking down? How does silencing/replacing the ego help solve the problem? What is the role of Christ in this? Enjoy the show! Check … [Continue reading]