Homily on the Sunday before Nativity

The bulk of the homily is the Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine.  After that, Fr. Anthony offers some remarks about the seeming weakness of the Logos in the manger and how it … [Continue reading]

Interview with Adam DeVille on Self-Care as Asceticism

Join Fr. Anthony in Hartwell, GA as he talks with Professor Adam DeVille (University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne, IN) about proper and improper ways of framing self-care, why it is so easy to get it wrong, and why it is important to get it right. … [Continue reading]

Homily on the Sunday after Nativity

On the Sunday we remember the slaughter of innocents, Fr. Anthony asks what we are willing to sacrifice to hold on to our own sins.  He forgot his microphone, so this was recorded on his (new) iPhone SE.  Oh, and he really did forget where … [Continue reading]

Pluralism, Polarization, and Discernment; the Challenge and Promise of Diversity

One of the challenges of our present spiritual situation is that our society has settled for something less than truth. This affects the quality of our opinions, policies, and judgments and undermines our ability to live and spread the Gospel. An … [Continue reading]

Professor George Stavros (BU) on Clergy Self Care

Join Fr. Anthony Perkins in Hartwell, GA as he talks with Professor George Stavros (Boston University) about the internal and external factors that put clergy at risk and how that risk can be mitigated by fellowship, support, and the life in Christ. … [Continue reading]

Homily – Prepare to Meet God in His Glory

The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians. (3:4-11) Brethren, when Christ, Who is our life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. St. Augustine: But what did he go on to say? "When Christ appears, your life, then … [Continue reading]

Homily (and some music): Believe, Be at Peace, and Get it Done!

In the homily on St. Luke 12:16-21 (the rich man investing poorly), Fr. Anthony reminds us of the universal goal for humanity and all humans, why it needs to get done, and why we shouldn't be anxious about it (despite it's cosmic importance).  … [Continue reading]

Political Science, Dungeons and Dragons, and Orthodoxy

Audio recording of Fr. Anthony's livestream of 05 December 2020.  He talks for a bit about how political scientists see the world (to include election fraud), but mostly he talks about the joy of playing games - and especially playing dungeons and … [Continue reading]

Homily: Let Go of Everything and Be with God

Ephesians: 4:1-7; St. Luke: 18:18-27.  In this (much shorter!) homily, Fr. Anthony encourages us to let go of everything, be with God, and then allow the resulting peace pattern everything else.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! … [Continue reading]

Homily: On False vs. Real Unity and How to Work Towards the Latter

In this homily on Ephesians 2: 14-22, Fr. Anthony talks about the difference between blessed unity (in Christ) and cursed unity (through tyranny or universalism) and the role humility plays in the Mystery of becoming One as God is One.  … [Continue reading]