Homily on the Incarnation

Was Jesus Christ really born on the 25th of December?  It's an interesting question, but the real confusion is not about the day the Virgin Mary miraculously delivered the baby Jesus in a humble stable in Jerusalem but about the day when Christ was … [Continue reading]

Bible Study #27: Balaam

In this episode Fr. Anthony shares the scriptures that describe why Balaam, a prophet who said things that were true, is still a false prophet of God.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! +++ OT Bible Study #27: Balaam and His Donkey Make … [Continue reading]

The (mis)use of religion in the Ukrainian conflict

Here are the notes from the talk I gave at the Foreign Policy Research Institute on 07 November 2017 at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  They asked me to talk about the effect of religion on the conflict in Ukraine for … [Continue reading]

Bible Study #26: Og of Bashan

We finish up Numbers 21 by talking about missing books of the Bible and the defeat of two giants: King Sihon of the Ammorites and Og of Bashan.  Why do we celebrate these victories every Sunday and Feast Day?  Enjoy the show! Check out this … [Continue reading]

Bible Study #25 – The Fiery Serpent

This week we have a special guest and friend of the podcast, Rev. Michael Landsman, the pastor at Zion Stone UCC in Northampton, PA.  He takes us through Numbers 21, focusing primarily on the fiery serpents and the bronze serpent God had Moses to … [Continue reading]

Homily – Why a Good Samaritan?

The lesson is that we need to have the courage and compassion to love all people that are in need; even those who are different from us.  But if that was the main point, why not make the Samaritan the one on the roadside? Why did Jesus make him the … [Continue reading]

Homily – On the Raising of Jarius’ Daughter

Orthodoxy is a rational faith, we do not have to "leave our minds at the door.", but as with our feelings, our minds need to be trained. In order to be trained, first they need need to stripped of all nonsense and lies so that all our thoughts can be … [Continue reading]

Bible Study #24 – The Rebellion of Khorah

After reviewing some of OT insights regarding the day's feast (St Michael), Fr. Anthony uses Numbers 15-18 as a chance to talk about unintentional sin, the cost of going against God, and the epic battles of censors and wooden rods (with the winners … [Continue reading]

Learn History so as not to repeat the worst parts – a review of Red Famine

This is the 100th commemoration of the October Revolution in Russia.  You may remember an old TV game show "Name that Tune".  The premise was that only a handful of notes can bring to mind entire melodies.  Contestants would bid on how few notes … [Continue reading]

Bible Study #23 – The Recon of Canaan

In this episode on Numbers 13-14 (the recon of Canaan), Fr. Anthony demonstrates what happens when a man who has a fever and can't think straight tries to lead a Bible Study (and forgets to follow his notes).  If you want coherence, the notes are at … [Continue reading]