Book Discussion – Song of the Sirin with Nicholas Kotar

Listen as Nicholas Kotar talks about the benefits of using fairly tales to teach and evangelize and how he does this in his book, The Song of the Sirin.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! Here is Nicholas' Kotar's blog Here is the AFR … [Continue reading]

From the Archives: The Holodomor, Lazarus, and the Rich Man

[This homily was originally given on 9 November 2015.] Holodomor (dedication and blessing of the Holodomor Memorial in DC). Background info: the Holodomor (i.e. murder by starvation) was an intentional policy of the USSR under Stalin.  In … [Continue reading]

Homily – On the Anniversary of Great Evil Communism brought great evil to the world, but it did not create it out of scratch; it pulled it from our own hearts.  How should we respond to the evil in the world?  To the evil … [Continue reading]

Bible Study – Special Ghost Episode

Special Bible Study given on Halloween (N.S.); what does the Bible say about ghosts?  You might be surprised! Check out this episode! +++ The Theology of Ghosts Bible Study for 31 October 2017 Fr. Anthony Perkins Ghost … [Continue reading]

Homily – Get a Job!

What is the one thing needful?  What is sin?  How is being a good human like working at a corporation?  Today's homily helps answer those questions.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! +++ Homily on the Parable of the Sower Luke … [Continue reading]

Bible Study 22 – Family Trouble

In this class, Fr. Anthony talks about the ambiguity of names in the Bible and why people get hurt when they go against God's will (e.g. the the burning of part of the camp, the quail plague, and Miriam's leprosy).  We had to use our back-up … [Continue reading]

Notes from a teaching Divine Liturgy

These are the notes from the teaching Divine Liturgy we celebrated for our children and youth (of all ages!) on 10/22/17.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode! +++ St. Mary's (Pokrova), Allentown PA Notes for the Teaching Liturgy 22 … [Continue reading]

Book Discussion – The Shack

Why might an Orthodox Christian read The Shack?  Why might it better not to?  Fr. Anthony shares and evaluates many of the critiques of the The Shack, putting it within the context of evangelism.  Enjoy the show! Check out this … [Continue reading]

Homily on Christ the Hero

Who is Christ?  Why did He suffer and die for us who could nothing for him in return?  This isn't a "live" recording (the recorder cut out too early), but a (fairly dull) reading of the homily notes.  Enjoy! Check out this episode! +++ Homily … [Continue reading]

Bible Study 22 – Leviticus and the Destruction of the Devoted

How (not) to make the Bible say the opposite of what it means.  Examples from Numbers on how to draw out Scripture's deeper meaning. Check out this episode! +++++ OT Bible Study #21: No Redemption? Plus the Spiritual Interpretations of … [Continue reading]