Homily Notes: Why worship is the right response to chaos

Romans 5:1-10 Matthew 6:22-33 It has been a difficult week. It is meet and right for us to gather together and worship in difficult times; Because worship reminds us who we are – not victims or partisans in a troubled world, but sons … [Continue reading]

Homily Notes: Like Politics, Salvation is Local

Matthew 10:32-33, 37-38, 19:27-30 Like Politics, Salvation is Loval The Problem: How do we reconcile the Gospel that we have just heard – a very demanding call that we give up everything and take up our cross – with something Jesus says just … [Continue reading]

A Marriage Homily (for Damon and Stevie)

This is the Crowning Service: it is a celebration of love; the realizing of God’s will that “they be one as we are one”.  It is an icon of how life is meant to go: an example of the tangible way love – that is to say God – makes Himself real in this … [Continue reading]

Notes from a talk on 1 Enoch

The First Book of Enoch Talk given at House on the Rock Family Church, Windgap PA 07 June 2016 Rev. Anthony Perkins  Main References: H. Charles, R. H., & W.O.E. Oesterley, (1917). The Book of Enoch (1917). Michael S. Heiser. The … [Continue reading]

Homily on the Samaritan Woman

Lesson on the Samaritan Woman: St. John 4 : 5 – 42 Beautiful story, full of insights into how Christ conducted Himself during His earthly ministry… It is also from the Gospel according to St. John: a short book that is full of beautiful spiritual … [Continue reading]

Sunday of the Paralytic (homily notes)

Acts 9:32-42 (healing of Aeneas and raising of Tabitha)St. Luke 24:1-12 (healing of the paralytic) Two sets of miracles today Christ’s healing of the paralytic at the Sheep’s Pool Peter’s healing of Aeneas and raising  Tabitha from the dead at … [Continue reading]

Archives: Finding Peace and Objectivity in Times of War

I'm putting this back up front because it applies to divisive political seasons, as well. - Fr. Anthony Finding Peace and Objectivity in Times of War [Then Jesus said;] “You have heard  people say; “love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”  But I … [Continue reading]

St. Thomas Sunday Homily; A Meditation on Love (and doubt)

Gospel Reading:  St. John 20:19-31 Love is Always Personal There is no such thing as love in the abstract; it is not a phenomenon that can be measured in a laboratory, isolated from everything else.  It is always personal.  You all know what … [Continue reading]

Some thoughts on miracles…

[written for the 2016 Great Lent Giveaway] On Miracles in the Holy Bible and Now Miracles in the Old Testament Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.  Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the … [Continue reading]

Pascha Cheese Recipe

Posted so I don't lose it. PASCHA CHEESE  For the quark: 1 gallon whole milk + 1 quart buttermilk. I put the milk in the pot and heat to steaming for about 5 minutes, then add buttermilk and mix well. Let it rest, covered, for 2-3 days, stirring a … [Continue reading]