On Christian Leadership Challenge of consumerism. Giving my life to Christ – and even coming to Church on Sunday – is one of a million good options. Americans are shoppers, we do the math and make the call. But it’s not a purchase, it’s a … [Continue reading]
Wisdom from St. John of the Ladder (on prayer)
From The Ladder of Divine Ascent, St. John of the Ladder. Step 28: On holy and blessed prayer, mother of virtues, and on the attitude of mind and body in prayer. What is Prayer? The Union of Man with God 1. Prayer by reason of its nature is the … [Continue reading]
A Homily for the Sunday of Orthodoxy

[Delivered at the Lehigh Valley Pan-Orthodox celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy] Since 843 the dominant theme of the first Sunday of Great Lent has been that of the victory of the icons. In that year the iconoclastic controversy was finally … [Continue reading]
On Starting at a New Parish (AFR Podcast and Notes)

The Podcast is here. Review: Ten (Eleven!) Commandments for Pastors New to a Congregation In a previous post and podcast, I reviewed Rev. Lawrence W. Farris’ book Ten Commandments for Pastors Leaving a Congregation. It was full of good … [Continue reading]
A Homily on the Last Judgment
Homily on the Last Judgment Matthew 6:14-21 Our actions have consequences. Everything we do affects both ourselves and our environment, to include the people around us. This is a simple fact of nature: our lives are intertwined with those of our … [Continue reading]
Homily of the Prodigal Son – The Metaphor of Food
Homily on the Prodigal Son: A Metaphor on FoodSt. Luke 15:11-321 Corinthians 6:12-20 Introduction Some people think of sin, judgment, and salvation as a courthouse: God gave us rules we have to follow. Because we fail to follow the rules, God … [Continue reading]
Homily Notes: Publican and Pharisee
Big problem: the deep-rooted temptation/sin of self-justification. Justifying by religion – especially by religious leaders. Hypocrites are the worse. Priests and bishops really do have to set a good example The news gives us constant … [Continue reading]
Specialization as a threat to spiritual growth
One of the problems I have seen in Orthodoxy is [excessive] clericalism, the idea that religious experts are responsible for our spiritual needs. We are all members of the royal priesthood! Bishops and priests provide necessary sacramental … [Continue reading]
Homily: Evangelism was messy then, too (so what!?)
Then it happened, as He was coming near Jericho, that a certain blind man sat by the road begging. And hearing a multitude passing by, he asked what it meant. So they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he cried out, saying, … [Continue reading]
Homily: How to Live the Good Life (forever!)
Homily – The Requirements of Eternal Life 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (Epistle) St. Matthew 19:16-26 “How must I live to enjoy eternal life?” Let’s be honest, this is not the kind of question people ask Christ or His Church much anymore. And it’s not … [Continue reading]