Homily Notes for the Sunday after the Cross: The Impotence of the Law

This was my first homily at Pokrova Parish in Allentown, PA. Warm-up: on the Cross.  Don’t be ashamed of the Cross!  Don’t be ashamed of following the Christ who died on the Cross!  Don’t be afraid to follow him in persecution and even … [Continue reading]

Notes from a Baptismal Homily – Baptism as Cosmic Spiritual Warfare

Welcome Guests.  Congratulations. What is it that just happened?  What is it that baptism accomplishes? There are many ways to look at it: In secular terms, the community of St. Michael’s welcomed a family into formal membership.  This is, of … [Continue reading]

From the Archives: Baptism and the Baptismal Liturgy

Homily: Baptism and Baptismal Liturgy Welcome guests. Beautiful day. I am so happy that the [family] agreed to allow us to Baptize [their child] during Divine Liturgy. Nothing wrong with doing it after Liturgy: this is the way most of you were … [Continue reading]

On My Leaving St. Michael’s in Woonsocket (from the bulletin)

Why I Asked to be Transferred from St. Michael's in Woonsocket(From a Summer 2015 Bulletin) When Pani Matka Tina Marie and I look back on the eight years we spent with you here, I expect that we will recognize them as some of the best years of our … [Continue reading]

Homily: On the Need to Ritualize Gratitude

Reflection on the Rich Young Man St. Matthew 19:16-26 Prologue What would you give to inherit eternal life?  Because we are here together right now, I know that you are at least willing to give up the best two hours of the week for worship on … [Continue reading]

Homily Notes: On Forgiveness

Matthew 18:21-35 (The Unforgiving Servant) Made for something wonderful:  to be sons and daughters of God. To minister to one another, selflessly and continually seeking their improvement To be part of a family that is united in a perfection of … [Continue reading]

Homily Notes: Faith, Charcoal, and Parish Leadership

I offered this homily on the Sunday we confirmed our new parish board. Story of charcoal during the summer: it gets humid in the sacristy; the charcoal ends up damp and won’t light easily. Charcoal: Made to light easily, Made for worship (let … [Continue reading]

Homily – All Saints of Kyivan Rus’

Today we are remembering the Christian nation of Kyivan-Rus not just because they created a nation that built churches where they got baptized, married, and buried.  We remember them because they accepted Christ and they filled their lives with him. … [Continue reading]

Humanitarianism and Orthodoxy – a theological reflection

The Problem: the world (and humanity) groans in agony It’s a hard world.  It chews people up, divides them, deprives them, hurts them, and does its best to take away their hope.  It does its best to demean and dehumanize them.  We have all seen this … [Continue reading]

Homily Notes – Pentecost

Today is Pentecost, also known as Trinity Day.  Today we celebrate both the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Disciples and the unity that is found in the One God who is Three Persons. The reality of today’s feast is not some abstract theology, but a … [Continue reading]