Homily on St. Gregory Palamas (notes)

What God do you meet in those moments of transcendence? Humans are built with the ability to enjoy and bask in the glory of God (brief warmth of sun after a long winter) Was meant to be a permanent reality; but we chose another way But we still … [Continue reading]

Homily for the Sunday of Orthodoxy: Extreme Orthodoxy (notes)

A Note on Extremism Extremism is the only way to become perfect in God  Extremism?  Yeah it can be dangerous That’s why we’d better get it right What does Extreme Christianity look like? Orthodoxy!  But what does that mean? Danger of … [Continue reading]

The Triumph of True-Worship and Defeat of Iconoclasm (and why it matters)

The Triumph of True-Worship and Defeat of Iconoclasm (and why it matters)A Homily on the First Sunday of Lent: the Triumph of Orthodoxy  Note about length of services. This is traditionally a time of catechetical instruction, so sermons may be … [Continue reading]

What is a “Peacemaker”? A Reflection

Then Jesus Christ said; “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (St. Matthew 5:9) We sing this every Sunday as part of the Beatitudes (sung during the Little Entrance, when the clergy process to the Holy Doors … [Continue reading]

The REAL Reason People Leave the Church!

Google "why people leave the church" and you will get a bazillion links to articles describing why people leave the church (okay, there may be fewer than a bazillion... I stopped counting at a hundred when I ran the search this morning).  Put the … [Continue reading]

Wolves in the Guise of Prophets: The Problem of Orthodox Fundamentalism

There is no doubt that fundamentalism is a problem, and Professor Demacopoulos provides a good introduction to it in its Orthodox form.   I dare say that the negative reactions to this article will come from two sources: one is the real … [Continue reading]

The Publican and the Pharisee in Film: Leviathan and The Island

This is an excellent review.  Corruption in politics and the Church is nothing new.  Christ is always the remedy, and sometimes he speaks through the witness of the holy fool.  Here is my favorite quote from the article; "If Zvyagintsev has the … [Continue reading]

You do NOT have to hate the west to be Orthodox!

The rhetoric from Moscow - to include from the Moscow Patriarchate and its daughter Churches - may be great at gathering support for Putin's domestic and foreign policy goals, but it is dividing Orthodox Christians in the West and threatens to do … [Continue reading]

Homily: Repentance, not Fundamentalism

  https://youtu.be/uyNc1lKK3fE?t=23m7s Notes for a Homily on the Publican and the Pharisee  (St. Luke 18:9-14) What was the purpose of this parable?  Best to look at the context.  In this case it isn’t hard.  Here is the sentence right … [Continue reading]

A Boring Essay on Culture and Evangelization (class notes)

Fedotov and the Spirituality of Kyivan Rus’ This semester, I am teaching a class on “The Spirituality of Kyivan Rus’”.  It’s a fun course because I get to discuss topics like the dynamic between native cultures and Christianity and the effect this … [Continue reading]