Homily on the Last Judgment In his homily on the Last Judgment, St. Gregory of Nyssa asks “why would God set standards of charity for entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven?” We need to know the answer. Why have conditions at all? Isn't God's love for … [Continue reading]
Maidan Casualties for All-Souls
A dear friend compiled this list from multiple sources (Date of Information: 21 February 2014). MAY THEIR MEMORY BE ETERNAL! Alexandr Scherbaniuk Anatoliy Zhalovaha Anatoliy Zherebnev Andrii Movchan Andriy Chernenko Andriy … [Continue reading]
From Intelligence Officer to Orthodox Priest
I gave this talk as part of the "Orthodoxy on Tap" program. It is designed to take Orthodoxy out to where it can meet people where they are (the fact that that place happens to have good food and drinks is a bonus). While the conversation went in … [Continue reading]
Homily Notes: The Sunday after Theophany
Homily Notes: The Sunday after TheophanyEphesians 4:7-13; St. Matthew 4:12-17 Three Points from today’s scripture lessons: Point One: Darkness vs. Light. Christ came to bring us light. 4:16 “The people which sat in darkness saw great light; … [Continue reading]
A Meditation on MLK Jr and Our Own Cowardice

The Lord God stands in the midst of the Divine Council and judges among the gods.”How long will you rule unjustly, and show partiality to the wicked?Defend the poor and fatherless, maintain the rights of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the … [Continue reading]
From the UOC-USA: Human Dignity and the Basic Rights of Freedom Must be Preserved

Council of Bishops of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Human Dignity and the Basic Rights of Freedom Must be Preserved Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ! It has been only a few weeks, and most recently just two days since the Council of … [Continue reading]
From the UOC-USA: The use of force, confrontation, and violence will fail to resolve political issues!

The use of force, confrontation and violence will fail to resolve political issues! Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ! The events of the last several days and especially the last several months in the life of independent Ukraine have caused … [Continue reading]
Four Orthodox Christian Lessons from MLK Jr

This is a nice article by Andrew Estocin. Here's a quote; "Martin Luther King Jr. and Archbishop Iakovos both knew that the human person as the image and likeness of God was a truth worth breaking the law, fighting and (in Rev. King’s case) … [Continue reading]
Homily – “What do you want?” vs. “Who are you?”

Homily for the Sunday after Christmas [“On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…”] It is common for us to lament the commercialization of Christmas, complaining that we have lost the “reason for the season.” I think this is true. … [Continue reading]
Orthodox Help on Keeping Resolutions (from Sunday’s bulletin)
As Orthodox Christians, we can draw on a lot of wisdom on how to improve our lives. As we go into the New Year and all its hopes, let me share some nuggets that I have found useful. Resolution (i.e. “willpower”) is not enough. Our faith is … [Continue reading]