20140929 Rapturemania and the Underground Church The rapture: why are people excited about it and what’s it all about? Why is the Church facing hard times and how can/should it respond? Fr. John Peck and I talk about these things, an alternative approach to catechizing and doing missions, and the best Nicolas Cage movies […]
Homily notes on the man born blind – Hope for the Hopeless
Homily Notes on the Man Born BlindSt. John 9:1-38 [Memorial Day weekend: self-sacrifice among soldiers, self-sacrifice in the family, self-sacrifice in the Church] Meme in a demotivational poster: It could be that [the purpose] your life is only to serve as a warning to others. How are we supposed to deal with the fact there […]
Notes on Christian Meditation and Living the Good Life
Talk on Christian Meditation and Living the Good LifeSt. Michael UOC Ladies’ Sodality RetreatFr. Anthony Perkins, 13 May 2014 There is within us, a yearning for something better. We feel ourselves to be refugees in a land that isn’t quite right. We desire peace, joy, and growth within our own lives; but find peace to […]
War, Ukraine, and Orthodox Epistemology
“Love your enemies… unless they invade your ancestral homeland, overthrow a government you prefer, or enact policies you find abhorrent.”The Antigospel of Satan (i.e. “Things Jesus NEVER said”). Introduction: the temptation of demonization in times of warI have seen what what war does to the souls of good people. Far too often, the temptations of […]
Homily – “What do you want?” vs. “Who are you?”
Homily for the Sunday after Christmas [“On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…”] It is common for us to lament the commercialization of Christmas, complaining that we have lost the “reason for the season.” I think this is true. Many of us are thankful that we are on the “Old […]
Homily: The Sower – Surviving the Coming Storm
Homily on the Sower: Surviving the coming stormSt. Luke 8:5-15 There is a storm coming and I am not sure we are ready. God sowed His seed here in the Blackstone Valley. It grows within the heart of everyone here. Like a garden in the spring, there are beautiful shoots waking up to the possibilities […]
Ten Things Everyone Should Know about the Divine Liturgy: An Introduction to Orthodox Worship
Ten Things Everyone Should Know about the Divine LiturgyAn Introduction to Orthodox Worship 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind… (St. Matthew 22:38)The most striking thing about Orthodox worship is that it is not about you; rather, it is about the one thing needful (St. Luke 10:42). For example, […]
Homily: Why is it so hard to build a good marriage (and parish)?
Homily on Saint Luke 5:1-11; Fishers of Men So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, and saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. Then He got into […]
Homily: the Cross and the Sun
The Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross The Cross: A marketer’s nightmare On the morning of the feast (Friday morning), I challenged you to think and pray on the implications of having the Cross as our standard. It isn’t the kind of thing that a marketing team would come up with. After all, who […]
Homily: Threading the Needle
Homily on St. Matthew 19:16-2615 September 2013 And that thou mightest learn, that not by addition but by taking away this evil is stayed; if thou hadst ever had an absurd desire to fly and to be borne through the air, how wouldest thou extinguish this unreasonable desire? By fashioning wings, and preparing other instruments, […]