Shownotes The Prodigal Son – Eating Pig Pods… and loving it! News Update on the homestead: prepping purchases of note (traded the jeep for a Smart Car, little house in the woods, pantry system from Shelf Reliance, Abortion safer than giving birth: study – Yahoo! News For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage […]
Homily: Eating Pig Pods – and loving it
Homily on the Prodigal SonSt. Luke 15:11-321 Corinthians 6:12-20 A Metaphor on Food One of the best ways to understand sin is as those things that damage our health [explain]. We were made so with feedback loops so that we could diagnose the things we had been eating that were causing us harm [explain]. […]
Homily – The Prodigal Son
1 Corinthians 6: 12-20 St. Luke 15: 11-32 The Sunday of the Prodigal Son: St. Luke 15: 11-32 [Restate the lesson of the Prodigal, of ourselves, and of humankind.] Three lessons today: 1.Home. It is real. It is the place you long for. You can distract yourself while you are away (and this is the […]